
#' Tools to Make it Easy to Work with Microtiter Plate-Shaped Data
#' plater defines a simple, plate-shaped file format for data storage, so it's 
#' easy to remember the experimental design. The package provides functions to 
#' seamlessly convert between that format and a tidy data frame that's optimal 
#' for analysis. \code{\link[plater]{check_plater_format}} is provided to help 
#' you manage plate-shaped files. \cr\cr You can work with purely plate-shaped 
#' data (\code{\link[plater]{read_plate}} and 
#' \code{\link[plater]{read_plates}}), as well as with a combination of 
#' plate-shaped data and tidy data (\code{\link[plater]{add_plate}}). It further
#' allows easy plate-shaped visualization of tidy data 
#' (\code{\link[plater]{view_plate}}). 
#' @docType package
#' @name plater
ropenscilabs/plater documentation built on Feb. 21, 2022, 6:25 p.m.