# Load your libraries here

# Put the exact code that this report should be about inside of quotation marks.
# Example "gender"
code_to_report_on <- CODE

# This can be copied from the qcode() application. Include quotation marks.
project_path <- PATH_TO_PROJECT_HERE
# Do the code work
    project_name <- basename(project_path)
    docs_df_path <- paste0(project_path,  
                          project_name, ".rds")
    codes_df_path <- paste0(project_path,  
                            project_name, ".rds")

        text_df <- readRDS(docs_df_path)
       parsed <-  qcoder::parse_qcodes(text_df)
       parsed <- parsed %>% dplyr::filter(qcode == code_to_report_on) %>%
                        dplyr::select(doc, text)

Project r project_name

Report on r code_to_report_on


Type your text here.

ropenscilabs/qcoder documentation built on Dec. 31, 2021, 9:11 p.m.