srr_report: Generate report from 'ssr' tags.

srr_reportR Documentation

Generate report from ssr tags.


Generate report from ssr tags.


srr_report(path = ".", branch = "", view = TRUE, roxygenise = TRUE)



Path to package for which report is to be generated


By default a report will be generated from the current branch as set on the local git repository; this parameter can be used to specify any alternative branch.


If TRUE (default), a html-formatted version of the report is opened in default system browser. If FALSE, the return object includes the name of a html-rendered version of the report in an attribute named 'file'.


If TRUE (default), documentation will first be updated with the roxygen2 package. This requires local installation of the package, which may take some time if the package has not previously been installed. If this parameter is FALSE, the roxygen2 package is not used, documentation is not updated, and reports are generally generated faster.


(invisibly) Markdown-formatted lines used to generate the final html document.


## Not run: 
path <- srr_stats_pkg_skeleton ()
srr_report (path)

## End(Not run)

ropenscilabs/rssr documentation built on Oct. 29, 2024, 7:11 a.m.