Man pages for rosap/test
An R Package For Manipulating And Analysing Electronic Health Record Data

add_to_databaseAdds a series of files to a database
append_to_temp_tableAppends rows to a temporary table
build_cohortConverts a longitudinal data set from e.g. 'prev_terms' to a...
build_date_fnFunction to build start/enddate helper fuctions
clinical_codesClinical codes for 17 QOF conditions, smoking and HbA1c
compressCompresses a dataframe to make more efficient use of...
convert_datesconverts date fields from ISO character string format to R...
cprd_uniform_hba1c_valuesTransforms hba1c values to mmol/mol
cut_tvcut_tv - Cuts a survival dataset on a time varying variable
databaseWrapper for dbConnect
define_EHRConstruct an EHR_definition object.
definition_searchThis function is used to build new definition lists based on...
drop_all_temp_tablesdrops all temporary tables from the database
drop_temp_tableChecks if a temporary table exists and then deletes if it...
ehr_defAn example EHR_definition object for defining parameters for...
entityA sample of 6 clinical tests and meaures used in UK primary...
expand_stringReads strings and expands sections wrapped in dotted...
export_definition_searchExports definition searches to an excel file
export_fnExports to a variety of formats based on the file type...
extract_keywordsFunction to extract rows from a lookup table based on...
first_eventsSelects the earliest event grouped by patient
flat_filesExports flat files from the database. One file per practice
get_EHR_attributeReturn the value of an attribute in the .ehr environment
get_matchesFind matched controls for a set of cases
head.SQLiteConnectionhead for 'SQLiteConnection' object
import_CPRD_dataImports all selected CPRD data into an sqlite database
import_definitionsImports definitions to be searched from a csv file into a...
last_eventsSelects the earliest event grouped by patient
list_EHR_attributesLists all of the EHR attribute names in .ehr
match_caseSelected controls matching a list of variables from a case
match_on_indexFunction for performing matching of controls to cases using...
medcodes_to_readTranslate CPRD medcodes to Read/Oxmis
MedicalDefinitionConstructor function for MedicalDefinition class
patients_in_windowSelect patients alive and registered between certain dates
patients_per_medcodeProduce a dataset of CPRD medcodes with frequencies of...
prev_termsThis function adds columns enabling one to calculate...
prev_totalsCalculates the prevalence totals for the output of a data...
print.EHR_definitionTools for describing EMR_description objects.
print.MedicalDefinitionBasic print method for medical definition classes
productA sample of 500 medicines used in UK primary care
qof_15_monthsHelper function providing startdate and enddate for a given...
qof_yearsHelper function providing startdate and enddate for a given...
random_datesGenerates random dates between a start and end day.
read_to_medcodesTranslate Read/Oxmis codes to CPRD medcodes
read_zipReads a zipped data file to a dataframe
rEHRThe rEHR package.
repsample_exampleAn example dataset to demonstrate the repsample function....
select_by_yearRuns a series of selects over a year range and collects in a...
select_eventsExtracts From the database
set_CPRDSets EHR metadata to CPRD format When this is run, most...
set_EHR_attributeSets the value of an attribute in the .ehr environment
simulate_ehr_consultationsGenerates simulated GP consultation tables.
simulate_ehr_eventsGenerate simulated events tables
simulate_ehr_patientsGenerate a dataframe of simulated patients with exit dates...
simulate_ehr_practicesgenerates a simulated dataframe of primary care practices in...
standard_yearsHelper function providing startdate and enddate for a given...
surv_simsFunction to simulate survival data.
temp_locationSets location of the db temporary store for temporary tables
temp_tableCreates a temporary table in the database
to_stataCompresses a dataframe and saves in stata format. Options to...
to_temp_tableSend a dataframe to a temporary table in the database
wrap_sql_querycombines strings and vectors in a sensible way for select...
rosap/test documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:30 p.m.