cardinal: Convert numbers to cardinal character vectors (one, two,...

View source: R/cardinal.R

cardinalR Documentation

Convert numbers to cardinal character vectors (one, two, three)


Convert numbers to cardinal character vectors (one, two, three)


cardinal(x, max_n = Inf, negative = "negative", ...)

nom_card(x, max_n = Inf, negative = "negative", ...)



A numeric vector


A numeric vector. When the absolute value of x is greater than max_n, x remains numeric instead of being converted to words. If max_n is negative, no xs will be converted to words. (This can be useful when max_n is passed by another function.) Defaults to Inf, which converts all xs to words.


A character vector to append to negative numbers. Defaults to "negative".


Arguments passed on to fracture::frac_mat


If denom is not NULL, all fractions will have a denominator of denom. This will ignore all other arguments that affect the denominator.


If TRUE, all denominators will be a power of 10.


If TRUE, all fractions will have the same denominator.

If the least common denominator is greater than max_denom, max_denom is used.


All denominators will be less than or equal to max_denom.

If base_10 is TRUE, the maximum denominator will be the largest power of 10 less than max_denom.

A max_denom greater than the inverse square root of machine double epsilon will produce a warning because floating point rounding errors can occur when denominators grow too large.


A character vector of the same length as x


Decimal components of x are automatically converted to fractions by fracture::frac_mat().

See Also

uncardinal() to convert character vectors to numbers

Other number names: adverbial(), collective(), denominator(), numerator(), ordinal(), ratio()


nom_card(2 + 4/9)
nom_card(-2, negative = "minus")

nom_card(5:15, max_n = 10)

paste("There are", nom_card(525600), "minutes in a year.")
paste("There are", nom_card(3.72e13), "cells in the human body.")

nom_card(1 / 2^(1:4))
nom_card(1 / 2^(1:4), common_denom = TRUE)
nom_card(1 / 2^(1:4), base_10 = TRUE)
nom_card(1 / 2^(1:4), base_10 = TRUE, common_denom = TRUE)

nom_card(1 / 2:5)
nom_card(1 / 2:5, base_10 = TRUE)
nom_card(1 / 2:5, base_10 = TRUE, max_denom = 100)

rossellhayes/nombre documentation built on June 2, 2022, 10:22 a.m.