Man pages for rossholmberg/holmberg
A personal package by Ross Holmberg

applyColClassesApply column classes to a data frame. Useful before calling...
areaColouredCalculate the area of an image matching a specific colour
areaThresholdCalculate the area of an image with colour EXCEEDING...
autoLevelscalculate and apply a linear levels function to an image
blankRowA function for use when adding a data row to a given data...
boolshorthand wrapper for as.logical
charshorthand wrapper for as.character
cropAndOutputFunctions for segmenting an image into a grid of smaller...
displayJpegShortcut to display a jpeg image
ENtoGPSConverting easting and northing values to GPS coordinates
exifReadExtract filename, directory, date, and time from image EXIF...
exifRead_folderRead all exif data from a directory of image files...
fileDirFind the complete directory structure of the folder...
floatshorthand wrapper for as.numeric
fovcalculate the field of view for a given camera setup
getColClassesRetrieve the column classes from a data frame.
GPStoENConverting GPS coordinates to Eastings and Northings
idDubcalculate data based on inverse distance weighted...
idDub_allRowscalculate data based on inverse distance weighted...
imageContrastcalculate and apply an S curve to modify the contrast of an...
imageSliceTake an input image, and slice it into equal parts
intshorthand wrapper for as.integer
interpolateinterpolate missing y values to fill a given x series
invDistWIntA c++ implementation of inverse distance weighted...
latDegToKmConvert either latitude or longitude distances between angles...
latKmToDegConvert either latitude or longitude distances between angles...
lonDegToKmConvert either latitude or longitude distances between angles...
lonKmToDegConvert either latitude or longitude distances between angles...
mapDistanceTake two latlon coordinates, and return the distance between...
matchColClassesMatch the column classes of one data frame to another. Useful...
matchColNamesMatch the column names between 2 data frames. Useful to use...
navtoA function to help navigate through folders will create...
newRowA function for adding a data row to a given data frame
numshorthand wrapper for as.numeric
pkgLoadactivate the "install.packages" function, only if the package...
progressBarAdd a progress bar to a loop call, eg 'for', 'while', or...
range_expandA function for use when adding a data row to a given data...
regexMatchPerform a regular expression match, returning the matched...
runMeanSmooth a numeric vector using moving window averaging.
seq_acrossReturn a sequential vector along x column-wise.
seq_dimReturn a sequential vector along x in the dimension...
seq_downReturn a sequential vector along x row wise.
shiftLagShift values of a vector by a given amount.
sourceFolderSource all files in a particular folder.
stringLengthChange the length of a character string, placing the input...
stripWhiteSpaceStrip the white space from around a character string
supeRbindsupeRbind Match the column classes of one data frame to...
tagsLongToShorttagsLongToShort Specific function for converting hex PIT tag...
testDFtestDF, a function for creating a data frame for mucking...
whichComputerA function to find the computer currently in use
withinRangeTest whether one or more values fall within a specified...
rossholmberg/holmberg documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:34 p.m.