Man pages for rpahl/container
Extending Base 'R' Lists

addAdd Elements to Containers
addleftAdd Elements to the Left of Deques
atExtract Elements Safely
at2Extract Single Elements Safely
clearClear a Container
cloneClone an Object
ContainerContainer Class
container_optionsSet Container Package Options
ContainerS3Container - Enhancing R's list
countCount Elements
deleteDelete Container Elements Safely
delete_atDelete Elements at Indices Safely
deprecatedDeprecated Functions
DequeDeque Class
dequeS3Deque - Double-Ended Queue
DictDict Class
dictS3A Dictionary
dict.tableCombining Dict and data.table
discardDiscard Container Elements
discard_atDiscard Elements at Indices
hasCheck for Element
has_nameCheck for Name
is_emptyCheck if Object is Empty
IterableIterable abstract class interface
IteratorIterator Class
iterS3Iterate over Sequences
OpsArithmeticArithmetic Operators
OpsCompareComparison Operators
OpsExtractExtract Parts of a Container Object
OpsLogicLogic Operators
OpsReplaceReplace Parts of a Container
OrderedSetOrderedSet Class
peekPeek at Left or Right of a Deque
peek_atPeek at Indices
peek_at2Peek at Single Index
popGet and Remove Element
renameRename Elements Safely
replaceReplace Values in Containers Safely
replace_atReplace Values at Indices Safely
revReverse Elements
rotateRotate Elements
SetSet Class
setS3Set and ordered Set
unpackUnpack Nested Objects
updateUpdate Object with Elements from Another Object
rpahl/container documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 6:31 p.m.