Man pages for rpatin/PatchExplo
Describing Central Place Exploration

circlepatchcirclepatch class description
explorationexploration class description
exploreAnalyse exploration around a central place like a waterhole
explore_one_nightAnalyse exploration around a central place for a single night
generate_circle_patchDivide a circular disk around a central point into concentric...
helloHello, World!
PatchExploPatchExplo: Describing patch exploration
plot.summary.circlepatchPlot method for 'summary.circlepatch' object
plot.summary.explorationPlot method for 'summary.exploration' object
plot_waterholesPlot waterholes with names labeled
prevent_invalid_geometryPrevent geometry from being invalid
print.summary.circlepatchPrint method for 'summary.circlepatch' object
print.summary.explorationPrint method for 'summary.exploration' object
wait_next_graphPause between graphs
zone2dataAnalyze a concentric ring of a 'circlepatch' object
rpatin/PatchExplo documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:35 a.m.