GEE限制变多: no more than 5000 bands
library(sf) library(rgee) library(lubridate) library(Ipaper) library(rfluxnet) library(sf2) library(rgee2) ee_init(drive = TRUE)
# st = st_plumber170[, .(site, lon, lat)] st = st_flux341[, .(site, lon, lat)] sp <- df2sf(st) imgcol = ee$ImageCollection$Dataset$MODIS_061_MOD15A2H proj = ee_get_proj(imgcol) scale = proj$scale # scale should lte prj.scale # scale = 463.3127 sp_3 = st_point_buffer(st, scale = scale, half_win = 1) # -half_win: half_win sp_5 = st_point_buffer(st, scale = scale, half_win = 2) # 25*311 # 9*311
name = "LuanCheng" .sp = subset(sp, site == name) .sp3 = subset(sp_3, site == name) .sp5 = subset(sp_5, site == name) groups_3 = c(7:9, 12:14, 17:19) st_distance(.sp, .sp3) st_distance(.sp, .sp5[groups_3, ])
col_lai_8d <- ee$ImageCollection$Dataset$MODIS_061_MOD15A2H$ select( c("Lai_500m", "FparExtra_QC"), c("Lai", "FparExtra_QC") )$map(\(img) img$unmask(255L)) col_lai_4d <- ee$ImageCollection$Dataset$MODIS_061_MCD15A3H$ select(c("Lai", "FparExtra_QC"))$ map(\(img) img$unmask(255L))
## ALL the scale is 500m ## 1. vegetation index points = sp prefix = "st341_LAI_2000-2023_" # points = sp_3 # prefix = "st311_LAI_2000-2023_win3_" # 提取LAI数据 ee_extract2(col_lai_8d, points, via = "drive", lazy = TRUE, prefix = prefix) ee_extract2(col_lai_4d, points, via = "drive", lazy = TRUE, prefix = prefix)
foreach(i = 1:25, icount()) %do% { points = subset(sp_5, group == i) |> select(-group) prefix = sprintf("st341_LAI_2000-2023_group%02d_", i) print(prefix) ee_extract2(col_lai_8d, points, via = "drive", lazy = TRUE, prefix = prefix) } # all.equal(.sp$site, sp$site)
# Emiss和Albedo数据量太大,单独处理 extract_EmissAlbedo <- function(sp, subfix="") { col <- ee$ImageCollection("projects/pml_evapotranspiration/PML_INPUTS/MODIS/Albedo_interp_8d_v3_061")$select(0) ee_extract2(col, sp, via = "drive", lazy = TRUE, outfile = glue("st341_Albedo_8D_V061_2000-2023{subfix}.csv") ) col = ee$ImageCollection("projects/pml_evapotranspiration/PML_INPUTS/MODIS/Emiss_interp_8d")$select(0) ee_extract2(col, sp, via = "drive", lazy = TRUE, # prefix = "st261_emiss_2000-2023_", outfile = glue("st341_Emiss_8D_v061_2000-2023{subfix}.csv") ) } # extract_EmissAlbedo(sp, "") extract_EmissAlbedo(sp_3, "_win3")
col <- ee$ImageCollection("MODIS/061/MCD12Q1")$select(0) ee_extract2(col, sp_5, via = "drive", lazy = TRUE, prefix = "st341_LC-win5_2000-2023_" )
tidy_gee <- function(indir, sp) { fs <- dir2(indir, "*.csv") for (infile in fs) { print(infile) drive_csv_clean(infile, sp) } } drive_csv_clean("data-raw/st311_MODIS/raw/st311_LAI_2000-2023_MODIS_061_MOD15A2H.csv", sp) drive_csv_clean("data-raw/st311_MODIS/raw/st311_LAI_2000-2023_MODIS_061_MCD15A3H.csv", sp) drive_csv_clean("data-raw/st311_MODIS/raw/st311_win5_LC_2000-2023_MODIS_061_MCD12Q1.csv", sp_5) drive_csv_clean("data-raw/st311_MODIS/raw/st311_win3_Albedo_8D_V061_2000-2023.csv", sp_3) drive_csv_clean("data-raw/st311_MODIS/raw/st311_win3_Emiss_8D_v061_2000-2023.csv", sp_3) # drive_csv_clean("data-raw/st311_MODIS/raw/st311_LC-win3_2000-2023_MODIS_061_MCD12Q1.csv", sp_3) tidy_gee("data-raw/st311_MODIS/raw/", sp) # tidy_gee("data-raw/st311_MODIS/raw/win3", sp_3)
fs <- dir2() foreach(f = fs, i = icount()) %do% { # .sp = subset(sp_5, group == i) |> select(-group) drive_csv_clean(f, sp) }
fs <- dir2("data-raw/st311_MODIS/raw", "group") lst = map(fs, fread) df = melt_list(lst, "group") fwrite(df, "data-raw/st311_MODIS/raw/st311_win5_LAI_2000-2023_MODIS_061_MOD15A2H.csv") file.remove(fs)
df = fread("data-raw/st311_MODIS/data/st311_LAI_2000-2023_MODIS_061_MOD15A2H.csv") df[Lai == 255L & FparExtra_QC == 255L, `:=`(Lai = NA_integer_, FparExtra_QC = NA_integer_)] # df[Lai > 100, Lai := NA] df %<>% mutate(date = as_date(date)) info = df[, .( ymin = min(Lai, na.rm = TRUE), ymax = max(Lai, na.rm = TRUE) ), .(site)] sites_bad = df[, .N, .(site)][N > 10]$site # 18个站点,缺失值较长
1 Qomolangma 1110 # 全部数据缺失 2 DK-NuF 120 3 DK-ZaF 361 4 DK-ZaH 361 5 FI-Kaa 260 6 FI-Lom 217 7 FI-Sod 217 8 NO-Adv 407 9 NO-Blv 417 10 RU-Che 230 11 RU-Cok 269 12 RU-Sam 313 13 RU-Tks 307 14 RU-Vrk 215 15 SE-Deg 120 16 SE-St1 218 17 US-Atq 268 18 US-Ivo 217 19 US-Prr 159
library(ggplot2) dat = df[site %in% sites_bad, ] p = ggplot(dat, aes(date, Lai)) + geom_line() + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~site, scales = "free_y", ncol = 1) write_fig(p, 'd:/Rplot.pdf', 10, 25*2)
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