
Defines functions mean_perc sum_perc

Documented in mean_perc sum_perc

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#' sum_perc
#' @param x Numeric vector
#' @param perc If the percentage of valid (good-quality) values less than `perc`,
#' `NA` returned.
#' @note `mean_perc` doesn't include the number of invalid values.
#' @examples
#' x = c(1:8, NA, NA)
#' mean_perc(x)
#' @export
sum_perc <- function(x, perc = 0.8) {
    .Call(`_rfluxnet_sum_perc`, x, perc)

#' @rdname sum_perc
#' @export
mean_perc <- function(x, perc = 0.8) {
    .Call(`_rfluxnet_mean_perc`, x, perc)
rpkgs/rfluxnet documentation built on May 31, 2024, 6:57 p.m.