
runparms <- function(parms, scenario, local=NULL) {
  raw <- run_scenario(seq(0,180), parms, scenario)
  if(!is.null(local)) {
    raw <- raw[raw$locality %in% local,]
  group_by(raw, time, doublingTime, scenario) %>%
    summarise(newCases = sum(newCases),
              infectedPop = sum(PopInfection),
              newSympto = sum(newSympto),
              symptoPop = sum(PopSympto),
              cumulInfection = sum(PopInfection + PopRecovered),
              totalPop = sum(population)
              ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(fI = cumulInfection/totalPop,
           fS = symptoPop/infectedPop)

benchmarkplot <- function(pltdata, pltcol, maxtime) {
  pltdata$value <- pltdata[[pltcol]]
  strtval <- group_by(pltdata, scenario) %>% summarise(y0 = value[1])
  pltdata <- left_join(pltdata, strtval, by='scenario')
  pltdata$value <- pltdata$value / pltdata$y0

  pltdata <- pltdata[pltdata$time <= maxtime,]
  t <- pltdata$time
  ## Label positioning
  lastidx <- length(t)
  lasttime <- t[lastidx]

  ## Create the benchmark data
  idx <- 1
  tds <- c(3,4,5,6,7)
  tdlabs <- paste('td=',tds)
  tdlabstex <- sprintf('$t_d = %d$', tds)
  gr <- lapply(tds, 
               function(td) {
                 r <- log(2)/td
                 exp(r*t) / exp(r*t[idx])
  names(gr) <- tdlabs
  benchmarks <- as_tibble(gr)
  benchmarks$time <- t
  benchmarks <- pivot_longer(benchmarks, -time, names_to = 'doubling time')
  benchplt <- 
    ggplot(data=pltdata, aes(x=time, color=scenario)) + 
    geom_line(data=pltdata, mapping=aes(y=value), size=1.2) +
    geom_line(data=benchmarks, mapping=aes(y=value, group=`doubling time`), color='lightgrey') +
    scale_color_solarized() +
    scale_y_log10() +
  for(i in seq_along(gr)) {
    #benchplt <- benchplt + geom_label(x=lasttime, y=log10(gr[[i]][lastidx]), label=TeX(tdlabstex[i]))
    benchplt <- benchplt + geom_label(x=lasttime, y=log10(gr[[i]][lastidx]), label=tdlabs[i], color='black')

Sensitivity to T0

baseparms <- list(D0=14, A0=5, Ts=3)
t0vals <- c(3, 5, 7)

runt0 <- function(t0) {
  scenario <- sprintf('tau_I = %d', t0)
  parms <- c(list(T0=t0), baseparms)
  #runparms(parms, scenario, c('Charlottesvillecity', 'AlbemarleCounty'))
  #runparms(parms, scenario, c('Charlottesvillecity'))
  #runparms(parms, scenario, c('FairfaxCounty'))
  runparms(parms, scenario, NULL)

t0runs <- bind_rows(lapply(t0vals, runt0))

The first thing we would definitely like to know is, how accurate is our doubling time calculation? We can assess this using a log plot of the relative values.

pltruns <- t0runs[t0runs$time > 25,]
benchmarkplot(pltruns,'infectedPop', 50)
#benchmarkplot(pltruns,'newCases', 25)

rplzzz/CovMitigation documentation built on June 7, 2021, 8:48 a.m.