get_sidra: Get SIDRA's table

View source: R/get_sidra.R

get_sidraR Documentation

Get SIDRA's table


This function allows the user to connect with IBGE's (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica) SIDRA API in a flexible way. SIDRA is the acronym to "Sistema IBGE de Recuperação Automática" and it is the system where IBGE makes aggregate data from their researches available.


get_sidra(x, variable = "allxp", period = "last", geo = "Brazil",
  geo.filter = NULL, classific = "all", category = "all", header = TRUE,
  format = 4, digits = "default", api = NULL)



A table from IBGE's SIDRA API.


An integer vector of the variables' codes to be returned. Defaults to all variables with exception of "Total".


A character vector describing the period of data. Defaults to the last available.


A character vector describing the geographic levels of the data. Defauts to "Brazil".


A (named) list object with the specific item of the geographic level or all itens of a determined higher geografic level. It should be used when geo argument is provided, otherwise all geographic units of 'geo' argument are considered.


A character vector with the table's classification(s). Defaults to all.


"all" or a list object with the categories of the classifications of classific(s) argument. Defaults to "all".


Logical. should the data frame be returned with the description names in header?


An integer ranging between 1 and 4. Default to 4. See more in details.


An integer, "default" or "max". Default to "default" that returns the defaults digits to each variable.


A character with the api's parameters. Defaults to NULL.


period can be a integer vector with names "first" and/or "last", or "all" or a simply character vector with date format

The geo argument can be one of "Brazil", "Region", "State", "MesoRegion", "MicroRegion", "MetroRegion", "MetroRegionDiv", "IRD", "UrbAglo", "City", "District","subdistrict","Neighborhood","PopArrang". 'geo.filter' lists can/must be named with the same characters.

When NULL, the arguments classific and category return all options available.

When argument api is not NULL, all others arguments informed are desconsidered

The format argument can be set to:

  • 1: Return only the descriptors' codes

  • 2: Return only the descriptor's names

  • 3: Return the codes and names of the geographic level and descriptors' names

  • 4: Return the codes and names of the descriptors (Default)


The function returns a data frame printed by default functions


Renato Prado Siqueira

See Also



## Not run: 
## Requesting table 1419 (Consumer Price Index - IPCA) from the API
ipca <- get_sidra(1419,
                  variable = 69,
                  period = c("201212","201401-201412"),
                  geo = "City",
                  geo.filter = list("State" = 50))

## Urban population count from Census data (2010) for States and cities of Southest region.
          variable = 93,
          geo = c("State","City"),
          geo.filter = list("Region" = 3, "Region" = 3),
          classific = c("c1"),
          category = list(1))
## Number of informants by state in the Inventory Research (last data available) 
get_sidra(api = "/t/254/n1/all/n3/all/v/151/p/last%201/c162/118423/c163/0")

## End(Not run)

rpradosiqueira/sidrar documentation built on July 18, 2022, 12:49 p.m.