
#' Body Shape and related measurements from NHANES 1999-2004
#' These data were collected as part of the NHANES 1999-2004 study.
#' @name NHANES
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 31126 observations on the following 32 variables.
#' \itemize{
#'\item{\code{seqn} matching code for NHANES mortality data}
#'\item{\code{sex} \code{"male"} or \code{"female"}}
#'\item{\code{age} in years}
#'\item{\code{pregnant} \code{"yes"} or \code{"no"}}
#'\item{\code{ethnicity} Mexican American, 
#'Other Hispanic, Non-Hispanic White, Non-Hispanic Black, or Other/Multi 
#'\item{\code{death} \code{"alive"},  \code{"cardiovascular death"} or \code{"other death"}}
#'\item{\code{followup} months of follow up (for mortality data)}
#'\code{"yes"} or \code{"no"}}
#'\code{"yes"} or \code{"no"}}
#'\item{\code{height} height (meters)}
#'\item{\code{weight} weight (kilograms)}
#'\item{\code{waist} waist circumference (meters)}
#'\item{\code{wci} the proposed body shape index}
#'\item{\code{bmi} body mass index}
#'\item{\code{ptfat} percent trunk fat}
#'\item{\code{tfat} mass of trunk fat}
#'\item{\code{lfat} limb fat}
#'\item{\code{llean} limb lean tissue}
#'\item{\code{lean_bmi} lean-tissue only BMI}
#'\item{\code{fat_bmi} fat-only BMI}
#'\item{\code{bone_bmi} bone BMI}
#'\item{\code{pct_fat} percent fat}
#'\item{\code{bmd} bone mineral density}
#'\item{\code{fmhm_other} Framingham risk score}
#'\item{\code{hdl} HDL cholesterol}
#'\item{\code{chol} cholesterol (LDL?)}
#'\item{\code{bps} systolic blood pressure, mmHg}
#'\item{\code{bpd} diastolic blood pressure, mmHg}
#'\item{\code{income} ratio of family income to poverty threshold. 5 is ratio greater than or equal to 5}
#'\item{\code{pop_weight} population weight, for adding up over the US population }
#'\item{\code{psu} primary sampling unit}
#'\item{\code{stratum} sampling stratum}
#' @references Nir Y. Krakauer, Jesse C. Krakauer, "A New Body Shape Index
#' Predicts Mortality Hazard Independently of Body Mass Index" PloS one, 7 (7)
#' PMID: 22815707, 2012.
#' \url{http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0039504}
#' @source These data were assempled from NHANES 1999-2004 sources by Dr. Nir
#' Krakauer at City College of New York.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' data(NHANES)
rpruim/NHANES documentation built on May 28, 2019, 1:33 a.m.