
The Rnoaa4cast is an R package that helps you to download and process NOAA weather forecasts for use in ecological forecasting.

It can be used to: - Obtain NOAA Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) for regions or point locations. - Obtain NOAA Climate (Coupled) Forecast System (CFS) forecasts. - Extract points from regional forecasts. - Temporally downscale forecasts to hourly timescales. - Spatially downscale (debias) gridded forecasts to more accurately match specific point locations. - Convert forecasts from their raw formats, that may span thousands of files, to compact netCDF versions.

Getting Started

Package Installation (from GitHub)


Download your First Forecast


rqthomas/noaaGEFSpoint documentation built on Feb. 22, 2022, 4:27 a.m.