Man pages for rqtl/qtl2plot
Data Visualization for QTL Experiments

CCcolorsCollaborative Cross colors
plot_coefPlot QTL effects along chromosome
plot_genesPlot gene locations for a genomic interval
plot_genoprobPlot genotype probabilities for one individual on one...
plot_genoprobcompPlot comparison of two sets of genotype probabilities
plot_onegenoPlot one individual's genome-wide genotypes
plot_peaksPlot QTL peak locations
plot_pxgPlot phenotype vs genotype
plot_scan1Plot a genome scan
plot_snpassoPlot SNP associations
qtl2plot-packageqtl2plot: Data Visualization for QTL Experiments
xpos_scan1Get x-axis position for genomic location
rqtl/qtl2plot documentation built on May 28, 2019, 2:36 a.m.