dragonking: An R package implementing statistical tools for identification of dragon kings

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The dragonking R package implements published statistical tests and test statistics for identification of dragon kings.


To install the dragonking R package, run the following code in R:


Note that you need the devtools package to install dragonking from GitHub (at least until it is accepted into CRAN). To install devtools and dragonking, run the following code in R:

# install and load devtools

# install dragonking

Example use

The following code demonstrates the use of dragonking with a mock dataset. For examples of more detailed and varied use, please see the documentation and available vignettes.

# load dragonking package

# create mock dataset with no dragon kings (DKs)
set.none <- rexp(100)

# create mock dataset with 5 DKs <- c(rexp(95),
            15.1, 14.9, 15.0, 14.95, 15.09) # DKs

# run DK test on dataset without DKs (we are looking for 2 DKs)
results.none <- dk_test(set.none, r = 2)
print(results.none["Test Statistic"]) # retrieve test stat
print(results.none["p-value"])        # retrieve p-value

# run DK test on dataset with DKs (we are looking for 3 DKs)
dk_test(, r = 3)                # print out test stat and p-value

Please report any bugs, comments, suggestions, etc. regarding dragonking on the GitHub issues page.

rrrlw/dragonking documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:08 p.m.