Man pages for rsetienne/secsse
Several Examined and Concealed States-Dependent Speciation and Extinction

cla_id_paramPosParameter structure setting for cla_secsse It sets the...
cla_secsse_loglikLikelihood for SecSSE model, using Rcpp Loglikelihood...
cla_secsse_mlMaximum likehood estimation for (SecSSE)
cla_secsse_ml_func_def_parsMaximum likehood estimation for (SecSSE) with parameter as...
create_default_lambda_transition_matrixHelper function to create a default lambda list
create_default_shift_matrixHelper function to create a default 'shift_matrix' list
create_lambda_listHelper function to automatically create lambda matrices,...
create_mu_vectorGenerate mus vector
create_q_matrixHelper function to neatly setup a Q matrix, without...
default_params_docDefault parameter documentation
event_timesEvent times of a (possibly non-ultrametric) phylogenetic tree
example_phy_GeoSSEA phylogeny with traits at the tips
expand_q_matrixFunction to expand an existing q_matrix to a number of...
extract_par_valsExtract parameter values out of the result of a maximum...
fill_inHelper function to enter parameter value on their right place
id_paramPosParameter structure setting Sets the parameters (speciation,...
phylo_vignetteA phylogenetic reconstuction to run the vignette
plot_state_exactPlot the local probability along a tree
prepare_full_lambdasPrepares the entire set of lambda matrices for cla_secsse. It...
q_doubletransBasic Qmatrix Sets a Q matrix where double transitions are...
secsse_loglikLikelihood for SecSSE model Loglikelihood calculation for the...
secsse_loglik_evalLikelihood for SecSSE model Logikelihood calculation for the...
secsse_mlMaximum likehood estimation for (SecSSE)
secsse_ml_func_def_parsMaximum likehood estimation for (SecSSE) with parameter as...
secsse-packagesecsse: Several Examined and Concealed States-Dependent...
secsse_simFunction to simulate a tree, conditional on observing all...
sortingtraitsData checking and trait sorting In preparation for likelihood...
traitsA table with trait info to run the vignette
rsetienne/secsse documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 11:10 a.m.