# # Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# # Date: October 2018
# # Version 1.0
# # License GPL v3
# .rast_replace <- function(x, name, value, caller="$<-") {
# if (inherits(value, "SpatRaster")) {
# value <- value[[1]]
# names(value) <- name
# } else if (!is.null(value)) {
# y <- rast(x, nlyrs=1)
# test <- try(values(y) <- value, silent=TRUE)
# if (inherits(test, "try-error")) {
# error(caller, "the replacement value is not valid")
# }
# value <- y
# names(value) <- name
# }
# i <- which(name == names(x))[1]
# if (is.null(value)) {
# if (is.na(i)) {
# return(x)
# } else {
# return(subset(x, -i, NSE=FALSE))
# }
# }
# if (is.na(i)) {
# c(x, value)
# } else if (nlyr(x) == 1) {
# value$deepcopy()
# } else if (i == 1) {
# c(value, x[[2:nlyr(x)]])
# } else if (i == nlyr(x)) {
# c(x[[1:(nlyr(x)-1)]], value)
# } else {
# c(x[[1:(i-1)]], value, x[[(i+1):nlyr(x)]])
# }
# }
# setMethod("$<-", "SpatRaster",
# function(x, name, value) {
# .rast_replace(x, name, value, "$<-")
# }
# )
# setReplaceMethod("[[", c("SpatRaster", "character", "missing"),
# function(x, i, j, value) {
# if (inherits(value, "SpatRaster")) {
# if (nlyr(value) != length(i)) {
# error("`[[`", "length of names must be equal to the number of layers")
# }
# names(value) <- i
# } else if (length(i) > 1) {
# if (NCOL(value) > 1) {
# value <- as.list(data.frame(value))
# } else {
# stopifnot(length(i) == length(value))
# }
# } else if (!is.list(value)) {
# value <- list(value)
# }
# for (k in 1:length(i)) {
# x <- .rast_replace(x, i[k], value[[k]], " [[<- ")
# # eval(parse(text = paste0("x$", i[k], " <- value[[k]]")))
# }
# x
# }
# )
# setReplaceMethod("[[", c("SpatRaster", "numeric", "missing"),
# function(x, i, j, value) {
# if (!inherits(value, "SpatRaster")) {
# error("`[[<-`", "Expected a SpatRaster as replacement value")
# }
# if (nlyr(value) != length(i)) {
# error("`[[`", "length of indices must be equal to the number of layers")
# }
# if (any(i<1) | any(i > nlyr(x))) {
# error("`[[`", "indices must be between 1 and the number of layers")
# }
# if (nlyr(x) == 1) {
# compareGeom(x, value, crs=FALSE, warncrs=TRUE)
# return(value)
# }
# for (k in 1:length(i)) {
# if (i[k] == 1) {
# x <- c(value[[k]], x[[2:nlyr(x)]])
# } else if (i[k] == nlyr(x)) {
# x <- c(x[[1:(nlyr(x)-1)]], value[[k]])
# } else {
# x <- c(x[[1:(i[k]-1)]], value[[k]], x[[(i[k]+1):nlyr(x)]])
# }
# }
# g <- gc()
# x
# }
# )
# setReplaceMethod("[", c("SpatRaster", "missing", "missing"),
# function(x, i, j, value) {
# nl <- nlyr(x)
# if (is.matrix(value)) {
# d <- dim(value)
# if (!all(d == c(ncell(x), nl))) {
# if ((d[2] == nl) && (d[1] < ncell(x))) {
# value <- apply(value, 2, function(i) rep_len(i, ncell(x)))
# } else {
# error("`[`","dimensions of the matrix do not match the SpatRaster")
# }
# }
# x <- try( setValues(x, value, TRUE, TRUE) )
# } else {
# v <- try( matrix(nrow=ncell(x), ncol=nl) )
# if (! inherits(x, "try-error")) {
# v[] <- value
# x <- try( setValues(x, v, TRUE, TRUE) )
# }
# }
# if (inherits(x, "try-error")) {
# error("`[`", "cannot set values")
# }
# return(x)
# }
# )
# setReplaceMethod("[", c("SpatRaster","numeric", "missing"),
# function(x, i, j, value) {
# theCall <- sys.call(-1)
# narg <- length(theCall)-length(match.call(call=sys.call(-1)))
# if (narg > 0) { # row
# i <- cellFromRowColCombine(x, i, 1:ncol(x))
# }
# #if (any(is.na(i))) {
# # warn("`[`", "indices should not be NA")
# #}
# bylyr = FALSE
# if (!is.null(dim(value))) {
# #x@ptr <- x@ptr$replaceValues(i, value, ncol(value))
# stopifnot(ncol(value) == nlyr(x))
# bylyr <- TRUE
# if (inherits(value, "data.frame")) {
# value <- as.matrix(value)
# }
# value <- as.vector(value)
# }
# x@ptr <- x@ptr$deepcopy()
# opt <- spatOptions()
# if (!x@ptr$replaceCellValues(i-1, value, bylyr, opt)) {
# messages(x, "`[<-`")
# } else {
# x
# }
# }
# )
# setMethod("set.values", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
# function(x, cells, values, layer=0) {
# #if (any(is.na(cells))) {
# # warn("set.values", "cells should not be NA")
# #}
# if (is.character(layer)) {
# layer <- match(layer, names(x))
# if (any(is.na(layer))) {
# error("set.values", "invalid layer")
# }
# }
# layer <- round(layer)
# if (all(layer > 0)) {
# if (missing(cells) && missing(values)) {
# return(invisible(TRUE));
# }
# if (any(is.na(layer))) { error("set.values", "layers cannot be NA")}
# if (inherits(layer, "character")) {
# layer <- match(layer, names(x))
# if (any(is.na(layer))) { error("set.values", "invalid layer names")}
# }
# if (any((layer < 1) | (layer > nlyr(x)))) { error("set.values", "invalid layer numbers") }
# n <- length(layer)
# if (n > length(unique(layer))) { error("set.values", "duplicated layers") }
# bylyr <- FALSE
# if (!is.null(dim(values))) {
# if (ncol(values) != n) {
# error("set.values", "ncol(values) does not match the `length(layer)`")
# }
# bylyr <- TRUE
# #if (inherits(values, "data.frame")) {
# # values <- as.matrix(values)
# #}
# values <- as.vector(values)
# }
# ok <- x@ptr$replaceCellValuesLayer(layer-1, cells-1, values, bylyr, spatOptions())
# messages(x)
# invisible(TRUE)
# } else {
# if (any(layer > 0)) {
# error("set.values", "some (but not all) layer numbers are < 1")
# }
# if (missing(cells) && missing(values)) {
# x@ptr$readAll()
# return(invisible(TRUE));
# }
# bylyr <- FALSE
# if (!is.null(dim(values))) {
# if (ncol(values) != nlyr(x)) {
# error("set.values", "ncol(values) does not match the nlyr(x)")
# }
# bylyr <- TRUE
# #if (inherits(values, "data.frame")) {
# # values <- as.matrix(values)
# #}
# values <- as.vector(values)
# }
# ok <- x@ptr$replaceCellValues(cells-1, values, bylyr, spatOptions())
# messages(x)
# }
# invisible(TRUE)
# }
# )
# setReplaceMethod("[", c("SpatRaster", "numeric", "numeric"),
# function(x, i, j, value) {
# i <- cellFromRowColCombine(x, i, j)
# x[i] <- value
# x
# }
# )
# setReplaceMethod("[", c("SpatRaster","missing", "numeric"),
# function(x, i, j, value) {
# i <- cellFromRowColCombine(x, 1:nrow(x), j)
# x[i] <- value
# x
# }
# )
# setReplaceMethod("[", c("SpatRaster", "logical", "missing"),
# function(x, i, j, value) {
# i <- which(rep_len(i, ncell(x)))
# x[i] <- value
# x
# }
# )
# setReplaceMethod("[", c("SpatRaster", "SpatRaster", "ANY"),
# function(x, i, j, value) {
# theCall <- sys.call(-1)
# narg <- length(theCall)-length(match.call(call=sys.call(-1)))
# if (narg > 0) { # row
# error("`[`", "you cannot use a SpatRaster as a row index")
# }
# if (inherits(value, "SpatRaster")) {
# x <- mask(x, i, maskvalues=TRUE)
# cover(x, value)
# } else {
# if (NCOL(value) > 1) {
# error(" [", "cannot use a data.frame with multiple columns")
# }
# value <- unlist(value)
# if (length(value) == 1) {
# mask(x, i, maskvalues=TRUE, updatevalue=value[1])
# } else {
# i <- as.logical(values(i))
# i[is.na(i)] <- TRUE
# i <- which(i)
# x[i] <- value
# x
# }
# }
# }
# )
# setReplaceMethod("[", c("SpatRaster", "SpatVector", "missing"),
# function(x, i, j, value) {
# theCall <- sys.call(-1)
# narg <- length(theCall)-length(match.call(call=sys.call(-1)))
# if (narg > 0) { # row
# error("`[`", "you cannot use a SpatVector as a row index")
# }
# if (length(value) > 1) {
# value <- rep_len(value, length.out=length(x))
# }
# rasterize(i, x, field=value, update=TRUE)
# }
# )
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