  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


In this document, we will introduce you to functions for exploring and visualizing categorical data.


We have modified the mtcars data to create a new data set mtcarz. The only difference between the two data sets is related to the variable types.


Cross Tabulation

The ds_cross_table() function creates two way tables of categorical variables.

ds_cross_table(mtcarz, cyl, gear)

If you want the above result as a tibble, use ds_twoway_table().

ds_twoway_table(mtcarz, cyl, gear)

A plot() method has been defined which will generate:

Grouped Bar Plots

k <- ds_cross_table(mtcarz, cyl, gear)

Stacked Bar Plots

k <- ds_cross_table(mtcarz, cyl, gear)
plot(k, stacked = TRUE)

Proportional Bar Plots

k <- ds_cross_table(mtcarz, cyl, gear)
plot(k, proportional = TRUE)

Frequency Table

The ds_freq_table() function creates frequency tables.

ds_freq_table(mtcarz, cyl)

A plot() method has been defined which will create a bar plot.

k <- ds_freq_table(mtcarz, cyl)

Multiple One Way Tables

The ds_auto_freq_table() function creates multiple one way tables by creating a frequency table for each categorical variable in a data set. You can also specify a subset of variables if you do not want all the variables in the data set to be used.


Multiple Two Way Tables

The ds_auto_cross_table() function creates multiple two way tables by creating a cross table for each unique pair of categorical variables in a data set. You can also specify a subset of variables if you do not want all the variables in the data set to be used.

ds_auto_cross_table(mtcarz, cyl, gear, am)

rsquaredacademy/descriptr documentation built on July 9, 2021, 8:13 p.m.