
test_that("constructor", {
  expect_identical(hms(1:3, 2:4, 3:5, 4:6),
    hms(seconds = 1:3 + 2:4 * 60 + 3:5 * 3600 + 4:6 * 86400))
  expect_identical(hms(-1, 1), hms(59))
  expect_identical(hms(3600), hms(hours = 1))

  expect_equal(length(hms(1)), 1L)
  expect_s3_class(hms(1), "difftime")
  expect_identical(as.numeric(hms(1)), 1)
  expect_identical(as.difftime(hms(1)), hms(1))

test_that("casting", {
  expect_identical(units(as_hms(as.difftime(1, units = "mins"))), "secs")
  expect_identical(as_hms(hms(1)), hms(1))

  expect_identical(as_hms(as.difftime(1:3, units = "secs")), hms(as.numeric(1:3)))

test_that("zero length (#35)", {
  expect_equal(length(hms()), 0L)
  expect_s3_class(hms(), "difftime")
  expect_identical(as.numeric(hms()), numeric())
  expect_identical(as.difftime(hms()), hms())

  expect_identical(hms(), hms(seconds = numeric()))
  expect_identical(hms(), hms(minutes = numeric()))
  expect_identical(hms(), hms(hours = numeric()))
  expect_identical(hms(), hms(days = numeric()))
  expect_identical(hms(), as_hms(numeric()))

test_that("bad input", {
  expect_error(hms(hours = 1, seconds = 3), "only")
  expect_error(hms(minutes = 1, days = 3), "only")
  expect_error(hms(minutes = 1, hours = 2:3), "same length or be NULL")
  expect_error(hms(seconds = 1:5, minutes = 6:10, hours = 11:17), "same length or be NULL")
  expect_error(hms("05:00"), "must be numeric")

test_that("is.hms()", {
  expect_deprecated(expect_identical(is.hms(hms), is_hms(hms)))
  expect_deprecated(expect_identical(is.hms(3), is_hms(3)))
rstats-db/hms documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 5:01 a.m.