Man pages for rstats-lab/RGoogleAds
'Google Ads API' Interface

authenticateInvoke the Authentication Process with 'Google'
build_handlePrepare Curl Request
dot-get_credentialsAuthentication of R app
dot-load_tokenLoading the Access Token
dot-refresh_tokenRefresh Access Token
googleAdsFieldsConstruct googleAdsFields Class (S3)
googleAdsSearchConstruct googleAdsSearch Class (S3)
listAccessibleCustomersConstruct listAccessibleCustomers Class (S3)
queriesQuery Strings for Query Based Services
query_google_adsQuery 'Google Ads' Data
r4googleads-deprecatedDeprecated Function
rstats-lab/RGoogleAds documentation built on April 1, 2022, 10:44 p.m.