promote: Promote content from one Connect server to another

View source: R/promote.R

promoteR Documentation

Promote content from one Connect server to another


Promote content from one Connect server to another


promote(from, to, to_key, from_key, name)



The url for the server containing the content (the originating server)


The url for the server where the content will be deployed (the destination server)


An API key on the destination "to" server. If the destination content is going to be updated, the API key must belong to a user with collaborator access on the content that will be updated. If the destination content is to be created new, the API key must belong to a user with publisher privileges.


An API key on the originating "from" server. The API key must belong to a user with collaborator access to the content to be promoted.


The name of the content on the originating "from" server. If content with the same name is found on the destination server, the content will be updated. If no content on the destination server has a matching name, a new endpoint will be created.


The URL for the content on the destination "to" server

rstudio/connectapi documentation built on June 12, 2024, 5 a.m.