keras3 (development version)

User facing changes with upstream Keras v3.4.0:

keras3 1.0.0

User facing changes with upstream Keras v3.3.3:

User facing changes with upstream Keras v3.3.2:

keras3 0.2.0

New functions:

keras3 0.1.0

keras 2.13.0

keras 2.11.1

keras 2.11.0

keras 2.9.0

Also provided is mark_active(), a decorator for indicating a class method should be an active binding (i.e., decorated with Python's @property). mark_active() can be used in the new_*_class family of class constructors as well as %py_class%.

Also, a function for constructing custom learning rate schedules: new_learning_rate_schedule_class().

keras 2.8.0

Previously, keras_model() would unname() supplied inputs and outputs. Then, if a named list was passed to subsequent fit()/evaluate()/call()/predict() invocations, matching of x and y was done to the model's input and outpt tensor$name's. Now, matching is done to names() of inputs and/or outputs supplied to keras_model(). Call unname() on inputs and outputs to restore the old behavior, e.g.: keras_model(unname(inputs), unname(outputs))

keras_model() can now accept a named list for multi-input and/or multi-output models. The named list is converted to a dict in python. (Requires Tensorflow >= 2.4, Python >= 3.7).

If inputs is a named list: - call(), fit(), evaluate(), and predict() methods can also accept a named list for x, with names matching to the names of inputs when the model was constructed. Positional matching of x is still also supported (requires python 3.7+).

If outputs is a named list: - fit() and evaluate() methods can only accept a named list for y, with names matching to the names of outputs when the model was constructed.

keras 2.7.0

keras 2.6.1

Image preprocessing: - layer_resizing() - layer_rescaling() - layer_center_crop()

Image augmentation: - layer_random_crop() - layer_random_flip() - layer_random_translation() - layer_random_rotation() - layer_random_zoom() - layer_random_contrast() - layer_random_height() - layer_random_width()

Categorical features preprocessing: - layer_category_encoding() - layer_hashing() - layer_integer_lookup() - layer_string_lookup()

Numerical features preprocessing: - layer_normalization() - layer_discretization()

These join the previous set of text preprocessing functions, each of which have some minor changes: - layer_text_vectorization() (changed arguments) - get_vocabulary() - set_vocabulary() - adapt()

keras 2.6.0

Breaking changes (Tensorflow 2.6): - Note: The following breaking changes are specific to Tensorflow version 2.6.0. However, the keras R package maintains compatibility with multiple versions of Tensorflow/Keras. You can upgrade the R package and still preserve the previous behavior by installing a specific version of Tensorflow: keras3::install_keras(tensorflow="2.4.0")

New Features:

keras 2.4.0

Keras (CRAN)

Keras (CRAN)

Keras (CRAN)

Keras 2.2.4 (CRAN)

Keras 2.2.0

Keras 2.1.6

Keras 2.1.5

Keras 2.1.4

Keras 2.1.3

Keras 2.1.2

keras 2.0.9

keras 2.0.8

keras 2.0.6

keras 2.0.5

rstudio/keras documentation built on July 8, 2024, 3:07 p.m.