

This example looks at the Kaggle Credit Card Fraud Detection dataset to demonstrate how to train a classification model on data with highly imbalanced classes. You can download the data by clicking "Download" at the link, or if you're setup with a kaggle API key at "~/.kaggle/kagle.json", you can run the following:

reticulate::py_install("kaggle", pip = TRUE)
reticulate::py_available(TRUE) # ensure 'kaggle' is on the PATH
system("kaggle datasets download -d mlg-ulb/creditcardfraud")
zip::unzip("", files = "creditcard.csv")

First, load the data

df <- read_csv("creditcard.csv", col_types = cols(
  Class = col_integer(),
  .default = col_double()

Prepare a validation set

val_idx <- nrow(df) %>%, round( . * 0.2))
val_df <- df[val_idx, ]
train_df <- df[-val_idx, ]

cat("Number of training samples:", nrow(train_df), "\n")
cat("Number of validation samples:", nrow(val_df), "\n")

Analyze class imbalance in the targets

counts <- table(train_df$Class)

cat(sprintf("Number of positive samples in training data: %i (%.2f%% of total)",
            counts["1"], 100 * counts["1"] / sum(counts)))

weight_for_0 = 1 / counts["0"]
weight_for_1 = 1 / counts["1"]

Normalize the data using training set statistics

feature_names <- colnames(train_df) %>% setdiff("Class")

train_features <- as.matrix(train_df[feature_names])
train_targets <- as.matrix(train_df$Class)

val_features <- as.matrix(val_df[feature_names])
val_targets <- as.matrix(val_df$Class)

train_features %<>% scale()
val_features %<>% scale(center = attr(train_features, "scaled:center"),
                        scale = attr(train_features, "scaled:scale"))

Build a binary classification model

model <-
  keras_model_sequential(input_shape = ncol(train_features)) |>
  layer_dense(256, activation = "relu") |>
  layer_dense(256, activation = "relu") |>
  layer_dropout(0.3) |>
  layer_dense(256, activation = "relu") |>
  layer_dropout(0.3) |>
  layer_dense(1, activation = "sigmoid")


Train the model with class_weight argument

metrics <- list(
  metric_false_negatives(name = "fn"),
  metric_false_positives(name = "fp"),
  metric_true_negatives(name = "tn"),
  metric_true_positives(name = "tp"),
  metric_precision(name = "precision"),
  metric_recall(name = "recall")
model |> compile(
  optimizer = optimizer_adam(1e-2),
  loss = "binary_crossentropy",
  metrics = metrics
callbacks <- list(

class_weight <- list("0" = weight_for_0,
                     "1" = weight_for_1)

model |> fit(
  train_features, train_targets,
  validation_data = list(val_features, val_targets),
  class_weight = class_weight,
  batch_size = 2048,
  epochs = 30,
  callbacks = callbacks,
  verbose = 2
val_pred <- model %>%
  predict(val_features) %>%
  { as.integer(. > 0.5) }

pred_correct <- val_df$Class == val_pred
cat(sprintf("Validation accuracy: %.2f", mean(pred_correct)))

fraudulent <- val_df$Class == 1

n_fraudulent_detected <- sum(fraudulent & pred_correct)
n_fraudulent_missed <- sum(fraudulent & !pred_correct)
n_legitimate_flagged <- sum(!fraudulent & !pred_correct)


At the end of training, out of r prettyNum(nrow(val_df), big.mark = ",") validation transactions, we are:

In the real world, one would put an even higher weight on class 1, so as to reflect that False Negatives are more costly than False Positives.

Next time your credit card gets declined in an online purchase -- this is why.

rstudio/keras documentation built on July 8, 2024, 3:07 p.m.