
This script demonstrates how you can use a reconstruction convolutional autoencoder model to detect anomalies in timeseries data.


knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 9, fig.height = 6)
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

library(tfdatasets, exclude = c("shape"))

Load the data

We will use the Numenta Anomaly Benchmark(NAB) dataset. It provides artificial timeseries data containing labeled anomalous periods of behavior. Data are ordered, timestamped, single-valued metrics.

We will use the art_daily_small_noise.csv file for training and the art_daily_jumpsup.csv file for testing. The simplicity of this dataset allows us to demonstrate anomaly detection.

get_data <- function(url_suffix) {
  url_root <- ""
  url <- paste0(url_root, url_suffix)
  file <- get_file(origin = url) # cache file locally
  # parse csv; 2 columns with types: datetime (T), double (d)
  readr::read_csv(file, col_types = "Td")

df_small_noise   <- get_data("artificialNoAnomaly/art_daily_small_noise.csv")
df_daily_jumpsup <- get_data("artificialWithAnomaly/art_daily_jumpsup.csv")

Quick look at the data


Visualize the data

Timeseries data without anomalies

We will use the following data for training.

plot_ts <- function(df) {
  ggplot(df, aes(x = timestamp, y = value)) + geom_line() +
    scale_x_datetime(date_breaks = "1 day", date_labels = "%b-%d")

plot_ts(df_small_noise) + ggtitle("Without Anomaly")

Timeseries data with anomalies

We will use the following data for testing and see if the sudden jump up in the data is detected as an anomaly.

plot_ts(df_daily_jumpsup) + ggtitle("With Anomaly")

Prepare training data

Get data values from the training timeseries data file and normalize the value data. We have a value for every 5 mins for 14 days.

df_train <- df_small_noise |>
  mutate(value = (value - mean(value)) / sd(value))

cat("Number of training samples:", nrow(df_train), "\n")

Create sequences

Create sequences combining TIME_STEPS contiguous data values from the training data.


as_dataset <- function(df) {
  x <- as.matrix(df$value)
  ds <- timeseries_dataset_from_array(x, NULL, sequence_length = TIME_STEPS)
  # Because the dataset is small, cast TF Dataset to an R array for convenience.
  ds |> as_array_iterator() |> iterate() |> bind_on_rows()

x_train <- as_dataset(df_train)
writeLines(sprintf("Training input shape: (%s)", toString(dim(x_train))))

Build a model

We will build a convolutional reconstruction autoencoder model. The model will take input of shape (batch_size, sequence_length, num_features) and return output of the same shape. In this case, sequence_length is 288 and num_features is 1.

model <- keras_model_sequential(input_shape = c(TIME_STEPS, 1)) |>
    filters = 32, kernel_size = 7, padding = "same",
    strides = 2, activation = "relu"
  ) |>
  layer_dropout(rate = 0.2) |>
    filters = 16, kernel_size = 7, padding = "same",
    strides = 2, activation = "relu"
  ) |>
    filters = 16, kernel_size = 7, padding = "same",
    strides = 2, activation = "relu"
  ) |>
  layer_dropout(rate = 0.2) |>
    filters = 32, kernel_size = 7, padding = "same",
    strides = 2, activation = "relu"
  ) |>
  layer_conv_1d_transpose(filters = 1, kernel_size = 7, padding = "same")

model |> compile(optimizer=optimizer_adam(learning_rate=0.001), loss="mse")

Train the model

Please note that we are using x_train as both the input and the target since this is a reconstruction model.

history = model |> fit(
  x_train, x_train,
  epochs = 50,
  validation_split = 0.1,
  callbacks = c(
      monitor = "val_loss", patience = 5, mode = "min"

Let's plot training and validation loss to see how the training went.


Detecting anomalies

We will detect anomalies by determining how well our model can reconstruct the input data.

  1. Find MAE loss on training samples.
  2. Find max MAE loss value. This is the worst our model has performed trying to reconstruct a sample. We will make this the threshold for anomaly detection.
  3. If the reconstruction loss for a sample is greater than this threshold value then we can infer that the model is seeing a pattern that it isn't familiar with. We will label this sample as an anomaly.
# Get train MAE loss.
x_train_pred <- model |> predict(x_train)
train_mae_loss <- apply(abs(x_train_pred - x_train), 1, mean)

hist(train_mae_loss, breaks = 50)

# Get reconstruction loss threshold.
threshold <- max(train_mae_loss)
cat("Reconstruction error threshold: ", threshold, "\n")

Compare recontruction

Just for fun, let's see how our model has recontructed the first sample. This is the 288 timesteps from day 1 of our training dataset.

# Checking how the first sequence is learnt
plot(NULL, NULL, ylab = 'Value',
     xlim = c(0, TIME_STEPS),
     ylim = range(c(x_train[1,,], x_train_pred[1,,])))
lines(x_train_pred[1,,], col = 'red')
legend("topleft", lty = 1,
       legend = c("actual", "predicted"),
       col = c("black", "red"))

Prepare test data

df_test <- df_daily_jumpsup |>
  mutate(value =
           (value - mean(df_small_noise$value)) /

df_test |> head()

# Create sequences from test values.
x_test <- as_dataset(df_test)

# Get test MAE loss.
x_test_pred <- model |> predict(x_test)
test_mae_loss <- apply(abs(x_test_pred - x_test), 1, mean)

hist(test_mae_loss, breaks = 50, xlab = "test MAE loss", ylab = "No of samples")

# Detect all the samples which are anomalies.
anomalies <- test_mae_loss > threshold
cat("Number of anomaly samples:", sum(anomalies), "\n")
cat("Indices of anomaly samples:", which(anomalies), "\n", fill = TRUE)

Plot anomalies

We now know the samples of the data which are anomalies. With this, we will find the corresponding timestamps from the original test data. We will be using the following method to do that:

Let's say time_steps = 3 and we have 10 training values. Our x_train will look like this:

All except the initial and the final time_steps-1 data values, will appear in time_steps number of samples. So, if we know that the samples [(3, 4, 5), (4, 5, 6), (5, 6, 7)] are anomalies, we can say that the data point 5 is an anomaly.

Let's overlay the anomalies on the original test data plot.

is_anomaly <- test_mae_loss > threshold
is_anomaly <- is_anomaly &
  zoo::rollsum(is_anomaly, TIME_STEPS,
               align = "right", na.pad = TRUE) >= TIME_STEPS

with(df_test, {
  plot(value ~ timestamp, type = 'l', xaxt = 'n', las = 2)
  axis.POSIXct(1, at = seq(timestamp[1], tail(timestamp, 1), by = "days"),
               format = "%b-%d")

with(df_test[which(is_anomaly),], {
  points(value ~ timestamp, col = "red")

rstudio/keras documentation built on July 8, 2024, 3:07 p.m.