Release Instructions

Try to use usethis::use_release_issue() rather than this checklist.

Create an issue with the following content, replacing ${RELEASE_VERSION} and ${NEXT_RELEASE_VERSION} with the current and next release versions.


### Prepare for release

- [ ] Switch to `main` and pull.

   git checkout main
   git pull

- [ ] Create and switch to a release branch (e.g. `release/${RELEASE_VERSION}`).

    git checkout -b "release/${RELEASE_VERSION}"

- [ ] Update version in `DESCRIPTION` file.

- [ ] Update header and version in ``. confirm recent changes are
      included. ([style reference](

- [ ] Update auto-loaders (from R):

    source("R/update.R"); updateInit();

- [ ] Commit your changes!

    git commit -m "preparing for ${RELEASE_VERSION} release" DESCRIPTION inst

- [ ] Check current CRAN check results:

- [ ] Check that all URLs are valid (from R):


- [ ] Generate a release `.tar.gz` by running the following command from the
    parent directory of your `packrat` repository:

    R CMD build packrat

- [ ] Test the package (also from the parent directory):

    R CMD check --as-cran "packrat_${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz"

- [ ] Push the `release/${RELEASE_VERSION}` branch to GitHub, create a PR, and let CI run.

- [ ] Fix any issues identified by the previous steps. Rinse and repeat.

### Submit to CRAN

- [ ] Submit to CRAN. Cross fingers.

- [ ] Check your email; confirm package submission.

- [ ] Wait for CRAN approval.

### Approved by CRAN

- [ ] Squash-and-merge the PR with the `release/${RELEASE_VERSION}` changes back to `main`.

- [ ] Create a git tag for your new release and push that tag.

    git fetch
    git tag -a -m "CRAN release: v${RELEASE_VERSION}" "v${RELEASE_VERSION}" COMMIT_HASH
    git push origin "v${RELEASE_VERSION}"

- [ ] Create a GitHub release from the tag and include its items as
      release notes.

- [ ] Create a branch to bump the version for development (e.g. `development/${NEXT_RELEASE_VERSION}`).

    git checkout main
    git pull
    git checkout -b "development/${NEXT_RELEASE_VERSION}"

- [ ] Update `` with an "unreleased" version header.


- [ ] Run the following command to update `DESCRIPTION` and the auto-loaders:

    R -f configure.R

- [ ] Commit your changes!

    git commit -m "preparing for ${NEXT_RELEASE_VERSION} development" DESCRIPTION inst

- [ ] Push the `development/${NEXT_RELEASE_VERSION}` branch to GitHub, create
      a PR, and let CI run.

- [ ] Squash-and-merge the PR with the `development/${NEXT_RELEASE_VERSION}`
      changes back to `main`.


You need a functional LaTeX installation in order to run some of these checks.


This installs a more full TeX install than occurs than tinytex::install_tinytex does by default. (

rstudio/packrat documentation built on Feb. 2, 2025, 7:01 a.m.