lockfile_validate: Validate an renv lockfile against a schema

View source: R/lockfile-validate.R

lockfile_validateR Documentation

Validate an renv lockfile against a schema


renv::lockfile_validate() can be used to validate your renv.lock against a default or custom schema. It can be used to automate checks, check for obvious errors, and ensure that any custom fields you add fit your specific needs.


  project = NULL,
  lockfile = NULL,
  schema = NULL,
  greedy = FALSE,
  error = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  strict = FALSE



The project directory. If NULL, then the active project will be used. If no project is currently active, then the current working directory is used instead.


Contents of the lockfile, or a filename containing one. If not provided, it defaults to the project's lockfile.


Contents of a renv schema, or a filename containing a schema. If not provided, renv's default schema is used.


Boolean. Continue after first error?


Boolean. Throw an error on parse failure?


Boolean. If TRUE, then an attribute errors will list validation failures as a data.frame.


Boolean. Set whether the schema should be parsed strictly or not. If in strict mode schemas will error to "prevent any unexpected behaviours or silently ignored mistakes in user schema". For example it will error if encounters unknown formats or unknown keywords. See https://ajv.js.org/strict-mode.html for details.


See the JSON Schema docs for more information on JSON schemas, their use in validation, and how to write your own schema.

renv::lockfile_validate() wraps ROpenSci's jsonvalidate package, passing many of its parameters to that package's json_validate() function. Use ?jsonvalidate::json_validate for more information.


Boolean. TRUE if validation passes. FALSE if validation fails.


## Not run: 

# validate the project's lockfile

# validate the project's lockfile using a non-default schema
renv::lockfile_validate(schema = "/path/to/your/custom/schema.json")

# validate a lockfile using its path
renv::lockfile_validate(lockfile = "/path/to/your/renv.lock")

## End(Not run)

rstudio/renv documentation built on Feb. 28, 2025, 12:30 p.m.