
# We generate the YAML file on the fly to render the gallery

# helper
gen_fun <- function(journal) {
  # generic case
  fun_name <- sprintf("%s_article", journal)
  out_opts <- NULL

  # handles special case
  if (grepl("oup_", journal)) {
    fun_name <- sprintf("oup_article")
    out_opts <- sprintf("oup_version = %s", gsub("oup_v(\\d)", "\\1", journal))

  list(fun_name = fun_name, out_opts = out_opts)


# list of sites
articles <- lapply(journals(), function(journal) {
  name <- yaml::read_yaml(rticles:::pkg_file_template(journal, "template.yaml"))$name
  img <- file.path("resources", paste0(journal, "_article.gif"))
  href <- file.path("resources", paste0(journal, "_article.pdf"))
  repo_url <- ""
  if (!file.exists(img) || !file.exists(href)) return(list())
  fun <- gen_fun(journal)
    title = sprintf("%s - %s", journal, name),
    yaml_format_opts = if (is.null(fun$out_opts)) "default" else c("", strwrap(sub(" = ", ": ", fun$out_opts), indent = 4)),
    yaml_format_name = fun$fun_name,
    fun = sprintf("%s()", fun$fun),
    img = img, 
    href = href,
    source = paste0(repo_url, journal)

articles <- Filter(length, articles)

The examples below illustrate all the article's template included into this package.

src <- lapply(articles, function(article) {
  glue::glue_data(article, paste(
    "## {{title}}",
    "output: ",
    "  {{yaml_format_name}}: {{glue::glue_collapse(yaml_format_opts, sep = '\n')}}",
    "::: {.two-columns}",
    "* Format function: `{{fun}}`",
    "* [Template Sources]({{source}})",
    "* [PDF example]({{href}})",
    "\n", sep = "\n"
  ), .open = "{{", .close = "}}")
res <- knitr::knit_child(text = unlist(src), quiet = TRUE)

r res

```{css, echo = FALSE} a > img { border: unset; border-style: solid; border-color: #FEDB00; }

.two-columns { -webkit-columns: 2 300px; -moz-columns: 2 300px; columns: 2 300px; -webkit-column-gap: 2em; -moz-column-gap: 2em; column-gap: 2em; } ```

rstudio/rticles documentation built on April 9, 2024, 10:51 p.m.