bootstrapPage: Create a Bootstrap page

View source: R/bootstrap.R

bootstrapPageR Documentation

Create a Bootstrap page


Create a Shiny UI page that loads the CSS and JavaScript for Bootstrap, and has no content in the page body (other than what you provide).


bootstrapPage(..., title = NULL, theme = NULL, lang = NULL)




The contents of the document body.


The browser window title (defaults to the host URL of the page)


One of the following:

  • NULL (the default), which implies a "stock" build of Bootstrap 3.

  • A bslib::bs_theme() object. This can be used to replace a stock build of Bootstrap 3 with a customized version of Bootstrap 3 or higher.

  • A character string pointing to an alternative Bootstrap stylesheet (normally a css file within the www directory, e.g. www/bootstrap.css).


ISO 639-1 language code for the HTML page, such as "en" or "ko". This will be used as the lang in the <html> tag, as in <html lang="en">. The default (NULL) results in an empty string.


This function is primarily intended for users who are proficient in HTML/CSS, and know how to lay out pages in Bootstrap. Most applications should use fluidPage() along with layout functions like fluidRow() and sidebarLayout().


A UI definition that can be passed to the shinyUI function.


The basicPage function is deprecated, you should use the fluidPage() function instead.

See Also

fluidPage(), fixedPage()

rstudio/shiny documentation built on Feb. 7, 2025, 5:18 a.m.