fix_snaps: Fix all _snaps files and merge all gha- branches

View source: R/fix_snaps.R

fix_snapsR Documentation

Fix all ⁠_snaps⁠ files and merge all ⁠gha-⁠ branches


This method will apply patches from corresponding GitHub branches for each R and Operating System combination. Changes will not be committed or pushed back to GitHub. The user will need to perform this action manually.


  sha = git_sha(repo_dir),
  ask_apps = FALSE,
  ask_branches = TRUE,
  ask_if_not_main = TRUE,
  repo_dir = rprojroot::find_package_root_file()



git sha of base branch to look for


Extra arguments passed to shinytest::viewTestDiff

ask_apps, ask_branches

Logical which allows for particular apps or branches are to be inspected


Logical which will check if main is the base branch


Root repo folder path


Note: This function will NOT fix shinyjster failures.

Outline of steps performed:

  1. Validate the current git branch is main

  2. Validate there are no git changes or untracked files in the current base branch

  3. Validate there are .new _snaps files

  4. Create patch files for each corresponding ⁠gha-⁠ branch in ./patches

  5. Ask which branches should be applied. Filter patch files accordingly

  6. Ask which app changes should be kept

  7. Apply patch files

  8. Call accept_snaps() on all app folders

  9. Undo changes to app that were not selected

  10. Prompt user to commit and push changes back to GitHub

rstudio/shinycoreci documentation built on April 15, 2024, 1:08 p.m.