Man pages for rstudio/shinydashboard
Create Dashboards with 'Shiny'

boxCreate a box for the main body of a dashboard
dashboardBodyThe main body of a dashboard page.
dashboardHeaderCreate a header for a dashboard page
dashboardPageDashboard page
dashboardSidebarCreate a dashboard sidebar.
dropdownMenuCreate a dropdown menu to place in a dashboard header
dropdownMenuOutputCreate a dropdown menu output (client side)
infoBoxCreate an info box for the main body of a dashboard.
menuItemOutputCreate a sidebar menu item output (client side)
menuOutputCreate a dynamic menu output for shinydashboard (client side)
messageItemCreate a message item to place in a dropdown message menu
notificationItemCreate a notification item to place in a dropdown...
renderDropdownMenuCreate a dropdown menu output (server side; deprecated)
renderMenuCreate dynamic menu output (server side)
renderValueBoxCreate an info or value box output (server side)
shinydashboard-packageshinydashboard: Create Dashboards with 'Shiny'
sidebarMenuCreate a dashboard sidebar menu and menu items.
sidebarMenuOutputCreate a sidebar menu output (client side)
sidebarSearchFormCreate a search form to place in a sidebar
sidebarUserPanelA panel displaying user information in a sidebar
tabBoxCreate a tabbed box
tabItemOne tab to put inside a tab items container
tabItemsA container for tab items
tagAssertAssert that a tag has specified properties
taskItemCreate a task item to place in a dropdown task menu
updateTabItemsChange the selected tab on the client
validColorsValid colors
validStatusesValid statuses
valueBoxCreate a value box for the main body of a dashboard.
valueBoxOutputCreate an info or value box output (client side)
rstudio/shinydashboard documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 8:02 p.m.