Reporting an Issue with sparklyr

For general programming questions with sparklyr, please ask on Stack Overflow instead.

Please briefly describe your problem and, when relevant, the output you expect. Please also provide the output of utils::sessionInfo() or devtools::session_info() at the end of your post.

If at all possible, please include a minimal, reproducible example. The sparklyr maintainer and the broader open-source community will be much more likely to assist with your issue if they are able to reproduce it themselves locally. If possible, try generating a reproducible example using the reprex package.

Please delete this preamble after you have read it.

your brief description of the problem

spark_version <- "2.1.0"
sc <- spark_connect(master = "local", version = spark_version)

# your reproducible example here

rstudio/sparklyr documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:01 p.m.