
#' @md
#' @section Metrics Data Frame:
#'   Metrics should be passed as a data frame with one column for each metric.
#'   If the metrics are not yet complete (e.g. only metrics for the
#'   first several epochs are provided) then metrics in yet to be completed
#'   epochs should use `NA` as their values. For example:
#'   ```
#'   data.frame':	30 obs. of  4 variables:
#'   $ loss    : num  0.423 0.201 NA NA NA ...
#'   $ acc     : num  0.873 0.942 NA NA NA ...
#'   $ val_loss: num  0.174 0.121 NA NA NA ...
#'   $ val_acc : num  0.949 0.964 NA NA NA ...
#'   ```
#'   If both metrics and validation metrics are provided, you should preface the
#'   name of the validation metric with `"val_"` (e.g. for a metric named `"loss"`
#'   provide validation metrics in `"val_loss"`). This indicates that the metrics
#'   are related which is useful e.g. when plotting metrics.
rstudio/tfruns documentation built on April 20, 2024, 9:20 p.m.