Man pages for rte-antares-rpackage/antaDraft
clean and validate entsoe datasets

agg_dataAggregate raw dataset from country rules
anta_loadimport load data from an entsoe repository
as_learning_dbprepare an aggregated load dataset to be model
augment_dailyadd daily average value
augment_daylightadd day light columns
augment_holidayadd holiday column
augment_process_summaryadd summary columns
augment_seasons_idadd weekly season id columns
augment_shiftedadd a shifted value
augment_validationevaluate validation rules for each line of a dataset
country_coordinatescountries coordinates
data_correct_with_rulescorrect datasets
daylightcountries daylights
define_model_rfdefine and save model
holidaysEuropean holidays
impute_with_modelimpute invalid data with defined model
init_antares_projectcreate an empty antares project
load_gerluxaus_20150115load data for Germany, Luxembourg and Austria
plot_aggplot an aggregated dataset
plot.controledplot validators
plot.qualconplot qualcon object
prod_comparecompare production by types and production by groups
qualconperform quality control
read_prod_groupproduction data per groups of production
read_prod_typeproduction data per types of production
render_qualityreport QC results
set_antadraft_load_optionset options for load data processing
rte-antares-rpackage/antaDraft documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:59 p.m.