# Define UI for bpNumerique2018 app
navbarPage(title = HTML('<p style="margin-top: 0.05cm;"> Bilan prévisionnel 2017</p>'), id = "nav-id", theme = "css/custom.css", collapsible = TRUE, position = "fixed-top",
header = div(
br(), br(), br(), br(), a(href = "http://www.rte-france.com/fr/article/bilan-previsionnel",
target = "_blank", img(src = "img/Logo_RTE+signCompactD_White.png", class = "ribbon")),
singleton(tags$script(src = 'events.js')),
singleton(tags$script(src = 'is.min.js')),
# tags$script(type="text/javascript", 'if(is.ie()){ alert("Ce site n\'est pas optimisé pour Internet Explorer");};'),
div(id = "import_busy", tags$img(src= "spinner_2.gif", height = 100,
style = "position: fixed;top: 50%;z-index:10;left: 48%;")),
# div(class = "rte_footer", HTML("Plus d'informations sur la page <a href='http://www.rte-france.com/fr/article/bilan-previsionnel' target='_blank'>www.rte-france.com/fr/article/bilan-previsionnel</a>
# Les données présentées sont téléchargeables sur la plateforme <a href='https://opendata.reseaux-energies.fr/pages/accueil/' target='_blank' style = 'color:black'>Open Data Réseaux Energies</a>"))
div(class = "rte_footer", HTML("Plus d'informations sur la page <a href='http://www.rte-france.com/fr/article/bilan-previsionnel' target='_blank'>www.rte-france.com/fr/article/bilan-previsionnel</a>"))
# ), windowTitle = div(img(src="img/RTE_logo.svg.png"), "BP 2017 RTE - Accueil"),
),windowTitle = "BP 2017 RTE - Accueil",
# source("src/ui/01_ui_syntheses.R", local = T)$value,
source("src/ui/02_ui_hypothese.R", local = T, encoding="UTF-8")$value,
tabPanel("Analyse détaillée",
source("src/ui/03_ui_data_selection.R", local = T, encoding="UTF-8")$value,
conditionalPanel(condition = "input.update_module > 0 && output.have_data_areas === true",
tabsetPanel(id = "res_tab_id",
source("src/ui/04_ui_prodstack.R", local = T, encoding="UTF-8")$value,
source("src/ui/05_ui_exchange.R", local = T, encoding="UTF-8")$value,
source("src/ui/06_ui_tsplot.R", local = T, encoding="UTF-8")$value,
source("src/ui/07_ui_map.R", local = T, encoding="UTF-8")$value
source("src/ui/08_ui_help.R", local = T, encoding="UTF-8")$value,
footer = div(br(), br())
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.