if (!exists("indent")) {
    indent <- '#' # ugly hack so it can be "spun" (variables included via `r ` have to be available)
if (exists("testing")) {
    item <- 1:10
    item_name <- safe_name <- "yay"
    attributes(item) <- list(label = 'yayya')

item_attributes <- attributes(item)
item_attributes <- recursive_escape(item_attributes)
html_item_name <- recursive_escape(item_name)
item_label <- ifelse(is.null(item_attributes) || is.null(item_attributes$label), 
                     "", item_attributes$label)
item_info <- item_attributes$item
choices <- item_attributes$labels

r indent## r html_item_name {#r safe_name .tabset}

r item_label

r indent### Distribution {#r safe_name_distribution}

show_missing_values <- FALSE
if (has_labels(item)) {
  missing_values <- item[is.na(haven::zap_missing(item))]
  attributes(missing_values) <- attributes(item)
  if (!is.null(attributes(item)$labels)) {
    attributes(missing_values)$labels <- attributes(missing_values)$labels[is.na(attributes(missing_values)$labels)]
    attributes(item)$labels <- attributes(item)$labels[!is.na(attributes(item)$labels)]
  if (is.double(item)) {
    show_missing_values <- length(unique(haven::na_tag(missing_values))) > 1
    item <- haven::zap_missing(item)
  if (length(item_attributes$labels) == 0 && is.numeric(item)) {
    item <- haven::zap_labels(item)
item_nomiss <- item[!is.na(item)]

# unnest mc_multiple and so on
if (
  is.character(item_nomiss) &&
  any(stringr::str_detect(item_nomiss, stringr::fixed(", "))) &&
  !is.null(item_info) &&
  (exists("type", item_info) && 
                            pattern = stringr::fixed("multiple"))))
  ) {
  item_nomiss <- unlist(stringr::str_split(item_nomiss, pattern = stringr::fixed(", ")))
attributes(item_nomiss) <- attributes(item)

fig_height_dist <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.height")
non_missing_choices <- item_attributes[["labels"]]
many_labels <- length(non_missing_choices) > 7
go_vertical <- !is_numeric_or_time_var(item_nomiss) || many_labels

if ( go_vertical ) {
  # numeric items are plotted horizontally (because that's what usually expected)
  # categorical items are plotted vertically because we can use the screen real estate better this way

    if (is.null(choices) || 
        dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss) > length(non_missing_choices)) {
        non_missing_choices <- unique(item_nomiss)
        names(non_missing_choices) <- non_missing_choices
  if(!(could_disclose_unique_values(item_nomiss) && is.character(item_nomiss))) {
    choice_multiplier <- fig_height_dist/6.5
    fig_height_dist <- 2 + choice_multiplier * length(non_missing_choices)
    fig_height_dist <- ifelse(fig_height_dist > 20, 20, fig_height_dist)
    fig_height_dist <- ifelse(fig_height_dist < 1, 1, fig_height_dist)
wrap_at <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.width") * 10
# todo: if there are free-text choices mingled in with the pre-defined ones, don't show
# todo: show rare items if they are pre-defined
# todo: bin rare responses into "other category"
if (!length(item_nomiss)) {
  cat("No non-missing values to show.")
} else if (!could_disclose_unique_values(item_nomiss)) {
  plot_labelled(item_nomiss, item_name, wrap_at, go_vertical)
} else {
  if (is.character(item_nomiss)) {
      char_count <- stringr::str_count(item_nomiss)
      attributes(char_count)$label <- item_label
                    item_name, wrap_at, FALSE, trans = "log1p", "characters")
  } else {
      cat(dplyr::n_distinct(item_nomiss), " unique, categorical values, so not shown.")

r sum(is.na(item)) missing values.

r indent### Summary statistics {#r safe_name_summary}

attributes(item) <- item_attributes
df = data.frame(item, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) = html_item_name
cb_table <- codebook_table(df)
if(!is.null(choices)) {
  cb_table$value_labels <- NULL

r ifelse(show_missing_values, paste0(indent, '### Missing value types {#', safe_name, '_missing_values}'), '')

if (show_missing_values) {
  plot_labelled(missing_values, item_name, wrap_at)

r ifelse(!is.null(item_info), paste0(indent, '### Item {#', safe_name, '_item}'), '')

if (!is.null(item_info)) {
  # don't show choices again, if they're basically same thing as value labels
  if (is.null(choices)) {
    choices <- tibble::enframe(item_info$choices)
  item_info$choices <- NULL
  item_info$label_parsed <- 
    item_info$choice_list <- item_info$study_id <- item_info$id <- NULL
  knitr::kable(purrr::flatten_df(item_info), caption = "Item options")

r ifelse(!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30, paste0(indent, '### Value labels {#', safe_name, '_labels}'), '')

if (!is.null(choices) && length(choices) && length(choices) < 30) {
  try({choices <- tibble::enframe(choices)}, silent = TRUE)
  knitr::kable(choices, caption = "Response choices")

rubenarslan/codebook documentation built on Nov. 13, 2022, 12:40 p.m.