
# library(DDIwR)
# library(codebook)
# data(bfi)
# library(rio)
# attributes(rio::gather_attrs(bfi))
# attributes(bfi)
# ddi_attr
# for(i in seq_along(names(attributes(bfi)))) {
# }
# test <- list()
# test$ID <- list(
#   label = "Questionnaire ID",
#   type = "num",
#   measurement = "interval",
#   uniqueid = TRUE
# )
# test$V1 <- list(
#   label = "Label for the first variable",
#   values = c(
#     "No"             =  0,
#     "Yes"            =  1,
#     "Not applicable" = -7,
#     "Not answered"   = -9),
#   missing = c(-7, -9),
#   type = "cat",
#   measurement = "nominal"
# )
# test$V2 <- list(
#   label = "Label for the second variable",
#   values = c(
#     "Very little"    =  1,
#     "Little"         =  2,
#     "So, so"         =  3,
#     "Much"           =  4,
#     "Very much"      =  5,
#     "Don't know"     = -8),
#   missing = c(-8),
#   type = "cat",
#   measurement = "ordinal"
# )
# test$V3 <- list(
#   label = "Label for the third variable",
#   values = c(
#     "First answer"   = "A",
#     "Second answer"  = "B",
#     "Don't know"     = -8),
#   missing = c(-8),
#   type = "cat",
#   measurement = "nominal"
# )
# test$V4 <- list(
#   label = "Number of children",
#   values = c(
#     "Don't know"     = -8,
#     "Not answered"   = -9),
#   missing = c(-8, -9),
#   type = "numcat",
#   measurement = "ratio"
# )
# test$V5 <- list(
#   label = "Political party reference",
#   type = "char",
#   txt = "When the respondent indicated his political party reference, his/her open response
# was recoded on a scale of 1-99 with parties with a left-wing orientation coded on the low end
# of the scale and parties with a right-wing orientation coded on the high end of the scale.
# Categories 90-99 were reserved miscellaneous responses."
# )
# exportDDI(test)
rubenarslan/codebook documentation built on Nov. 13, 2022, 12:40 p.m.