Man pages for rudeboybert/SpatialEpi
Methods and Data for Spatial Epidemiology

bayes_clusterBayesian Cluster Detection Method
besag_newellBesag-Newell Cluster Detection Method
circleCompute cartesian coordinates of a cluster center and radius
create_geo_objectsCreate geographical objects to be used in Bayesian Cluster...
eBayesEmpirical Bayes Estimates of Relative Risk
EBpostdensProduce plots of empirical Bayes posterior densities when the...
EBpostthreshProduce the probabilities of exceeding a threshold given a...
estimate_lambdaEstimate lambda values
expectedCompute Expected Numbers of Disease
GammaPriorChCompute Parameters to Calibrate a Gamma Distribution
grid2latlongConvert Coordinates from Grid to Latitude/Longitude
kulldorffKulldorff Cluster Detection Method
latlong2gridConvert Coordinates from Latitude/Longitude to Grid
leglabsMake legend labels
LogNormalPriorChCompute Parameters to Calibrate a Log-normal Distribution
mapvariablePlot Levels of a Variable in a Colour-Coded Map
NYleukemiaUpstate New York Leukemia Data
NYleukemia_sfUpstate New York Leukemia
pennLCPennsylvania Lung Cancer
pennLC_sfPennsylvania Lung Cancer
plotmapPlot Levels of a Variable in a Colour-Coded Map
polygon2spatial_polygonConvert a Polygon to a Spatial Polygons Object
process_MCMC_sampleProcess MCMC Sample
scotlandLip Cancer in Scotland
scotland_sfLip Cancer in Scotland
zonesCreate set of all single zones and output geographical...
rudeboybert/SpatialEpi documentation built on Feb. 27, 2023, 5:09 a.m.