Some theory and computational strategy

Let us assume that we have $y_i \sim f(y_i;\theta)$, $i=1,\ldots,n$, independent, possibly depending on some covariates $x_i$.

The starting point is the estimating equation for BR estimation of the $d$-dimensional parameter $\theta$ $$ S(\theta) = \ell_\theta(\theta) + a(\theta) \, . $$ Here we target only the $A^{(E)}$ version. Some simplifications occuring due to the indendence assumption, so that $$ a_{j}(\theta) = -0.5 \, {\rm tr}\left[ \left{ {\rm E}{\theta}\left( \sum{i=1}^n s_{i} \, s_{i}^{\top}\right) \right}^{-1}\, \, {\rm E}{\theta}\left{ \sum{i=1}^n s_{i}^{(j)} \, (h_{i}-s_{i} \, s_{i}^{\top})\right} \right] \, ,\hspace{0.5cm} j=1,\ldots,d $$ where $s_{i}=s_{i}(\theta)$ is the score function for the $i$-th observation, so that $\ell_\theta(\theta)=\sum_i s_i(\theta)$, and $h_i=h_i(\theta)$ is the observed information matrix for the $i$-th observation, so that $j(\theta)=\sum_i h_i(\theta)$; furthermore, $s_{i}^{(j)}$ is the $j$-th component of $s_i$.

i) There are two possible routes for computing $a_j(\theta)$. The first one is the empirical approximation, where we drop the $E(\cdot)$ operators in the above equation. The second one, more important, is to use a Monte Carlo (MC) approximation, which entails $$ a^{j}(\theta) = -0.5 \, {\rm tr}\left[ \left{ \dfrac{1}{R} \, \sum{r=1}^R \left( \sum_{i=1}^n s^{ir} \, s{ir}^{\top} \right) \right}^{-1}\, \, \left{\dfrac{1}{R} \sum_{r=1}^R\left( \sum_{i=1}^n s^{(j)}{ir} \, (h^_{ir}-s^{ir} \, s_{ir}^{\top})\right) \right} \right] \, ,\hspace{0.5cm} j=1,\ldots,d $$ Here we have generated $R$ independent datasets of size $n$ from the model, and the $$ denotes quantities computed on the simulated samples. Note that once we merge all the simulated samples into a single data set with $R \times n$ rows, the same code can be used for both the empirical and the Monte Carlo approximation.

ii) The main idea is to employ the $\texttt{TMB}$ package for Automatic Differentian (AD) to compute the individual scores and observed information matrices. This is very fast for the empirical approximation, but not so demanding for the MC approximation either. In fact, $R$ as small as $500$ usually suffices for a reasonable accuracy in many cases.

iii) Parallel computing is essential, since the AD computation is repeated for every single individual observation.

Usage of BRTemplate

In what follows, the BRTemplate for computing the adjustment in broad generality is illustrated.

Let us see the template at work for probit regression, using an example from brglm2:

data("endometrial", package = "brglm2")
endometrialML <- glm(HG ~ NV + PI + EH, data = endometrial,family = binomial("probit"))
endometrialBR_mean <- update(endometrialML, method = "brglmFit", type = "AS_mean")

The starting point is the model definition using TMB. We first need to write a C++ template defining the model, according to the TMB requirements. The package contains two files of this kind
for logit and probit regression. We copy the file for probit regression to the working directory, then we call the get_AD routine that creates the AD object.

X <- model.matrix(endometrialML)
y <- as.vector(endometrial$HG)
parain <- rep(0, ncol(X)) <- "Probit.cpp"
file.remote <- system.file("TMB",, package = "BRTemplate")
file.copy(file.remote, getwd())
obj <- get_AD(, X, y, parain)

The next step is to define a function that generates a sample for probit regression. That's very simple, and actually the package has already such function named genProbit:


Now we are ready to get the BR estimates for probit regression. Here we first use quasi Newton-Raphson, and the empirical version, and we employ the nleqslv library for solving the estimating equations. Note that quasi Newton-Raphson is invoked by the observed argument, not from the method one, which instead pertains to nleqslv.

nc <- detectCores()
br.emp <- nleqslv(rep(0,ncol(X)), gsolv, ADobj = obj, dll="Probit", datagen=genProbit,
                ncores = nc, R=0, seed=NULL, y=y, observed=TRUE, X=X, 
                method="Newton", jac=jsolv)

The MC version is obtained by changing the seed and R arguments:

br.MC <- nleqslv(rep(0,ncol(X)), gsolv, ADobj = obj, dll="Probit", datagen=genProbit,
                ncores = nc, R=500, seed=2018, y=y, observed=TRUE,
                X=X, method="Newton", jac=jsolv)

We can compare the results:

mat <- cbind(endometrialML$coef, endometrialBR_mean$coef, br.MC$x, br.emp$x)
colnames(mat) <- c("ML","BR (exact)", "BR (Monte Carlo)",  "BR (empirical)")

The MC version is indeed close to the exact one already with $R=500$.

We could also compute the BR estimate based on quasi Fisher-scoring, here done for the empirical version; we just need to set observed = FALSE.

br.emp2 <- nleqslv(rep(0,ncol(X)), gsolv, ADobj = obj, dll="Probit", datagen=genProbit,
                ncores = nc, R=0, seed=NULL, y=y, observed=FALSE, X=X, 
                method="Newton", jac=jsolv)
mat <- cbind(mat, br.emp2$x)
colnames(mat) <-  c("ML","BR (exact)", "BR (Monte Carlo)",  "BR (empirical, NR)",  "BR (empirical, FS)")

rugbel/BRTemplate documentation built on Nov. 12, 2019, 7:41 a.m.