
title: Estimating $p_2$ models with p2model author: Ruggero Bellio output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Title} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}

Here we present an example to illustrate how to estimate a $p_2$ model using the p2model package. The data used are the high-tech managers data, which were analyzed also in the Example 1 of the paper illustrating the methodology (Bellio and Soriani, 2017). The data can be accessed from the NetData package (Nowak et al., 2012).

data(kracknets, package = "NetData")

The data are saved in the friendship_data_frame. The number of actors is $g=21$, and the object is a data frame with $21^2=441$ rows and three columns. The first five rows are as follows

##   ego alter friendship_tie
## 1   1     1              0
## 2   1     2              1
## 3   1     3              0
## 4   1     4              1
## 5   1     5              0
## 6   1     6              0

The response values are contained in the third column. The first step is to define a $21 \times 21$ adjacency matrix containing the response. This can be done with a simple loop

g <- 21
Y <- matrix(0, g, g)
ind <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(friendship_data_frame)){
  sele <- friendship_data_frame[i,]
  Y[sele$ego, sele$alter] <- sele$friendship_tie    

We then define two design matrixes for sender and receiver effects, that in this example are both equal to the $21 \times 2$ matrix containing the values of the two actor attributes AGE and TENURE. They can be found in the attributes data frame, with 21 rows and 4 columns. The required matrix can be created with the model.matrix command, excluding the first column (which is a column of ones)

Xn <- model.matrix( ~ AGE + TENURE, attributes)[,-1]     

The next step is to create two 3-dimensional arrays for density and reciprocity effects. For density effects, we need a $21 \times 21 \times 4$ array. The first covariate is just a constant one. Then there are two dichotomized differences of sending and receiving actor covariate values for DEPT and LEVEL, and the absolute difference of sending and receiving actor covariate values for what concerns AGE

XvD <- array(1, dim = c(g, g, 4))
for(i in 1:g)
 for(j in 1:g){ 
    XvD[i, j, 2] <- as.numeric(attributes$DEPT[i]==attributes$DEPT[j])
    XvD[i, j, 3] <- as.numeric(attributes$LEVEL[i]==attributes$LEVEL[j])
    XvD[i, j, 4] <- abs(attributes$AGE[i] - attributes$AGE[j])

For reciprocity, there is only the intercept, and the related covariate array has just a constant component

XvC <- array(1, dim = c(g, g, 1))     

Now everything is in place for performing the actual estimation of the model, that can be made by the function, implementing approximate maximum likelihood estimation based on the Laplace approximation

fit <- fit_p2(Y, Xn, Xn, XvD, XvC)    
## --------------------------------------------
## Approximate maximum likelihood estimation of p2 model
## Log-likelihood at maximum -169.4082 
## Model selection criteria
## AIC =  362.8164   BIC = 375.3507 
## --------------------------------------------
## Density coefficients
##           Estimate Std. error
## delta1  0.03885399 1.73521103
## delta1  1.57645521 0.34814083
## delta1  1.15354386 0.40545038
## delta1 -0.05488179 0.02458207
## --------------------------------------------
## Reciprocity coefficients
##        Estimate Std. error
## delta2 2.117182  0.6329099
## --------------------------------------------
## Sender coefficients
##          Estimate Std. error
## gamma1 -0.1309324 0.05911481
## gamma1  0.1403820 0.06213760
## --------------------------------------------
## Receiver coefficients
##            Estimate Std. error
## gamma2 -0.002099014 0.03503430
## gamma2  0.045075545 0.04146455
## --------------------------------------------
## Variance matrix of random effects
##           [,1]       [,2]
## [1,]  2.054007 -1.1362520
## [2,] -1.136252  0.9976877
## --------------------------------------------

The results are approximated maximum likelihood estimates based on the maximization of $L^(\theta)$, i.e. the value of $\hat\theta^$.

We can plot the estimated sender and receiver effects for each node by the plot_effects_p2 function


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

Another useful graphical representation is given by the goodness-of-fit plots, which are obtained by the gof_p2 function

par(mfrow = c(2, 3))
g2 <- gof_p2(fit, GOF = ~idegree + odegree + distance + espartners + dspartners + triadcensus)
plot(g2, main="")

![plot of chunk gof plot](figure/gof plot-1.png)

The plots are obtained by exploiting the possibility to simulate networks from a given model, that can be used directly by applying the simulate_p2 function

obj.sim <- simulate_p2(fit, nsim = 100)
##          Length Class        Mode
## networks 100    network.list list

Finally, the package makes available maximum likelihood estimation using parameter dependent Laplace Importance Sampling, implemented by the fit_p2_IS function, though the results in Bellio and Soriani (2019) suggests that first-order Laplace approximation usually provides satisfactory results. The method is computationally demanding, but the fit_p2_IS function supports multiple-core parallel computation. The basic way to call the function in this example would simply be fit_p2_IS(fit, nc = parallel::detectCores()).

rugbel/p2model documentation built on March 8, 2021, 8:16 p.m.