
## check elimination of random effects in rand and step functions

##   require(lmerTest)
##   ## check for random coefficient models
##   modelCarrots <- lmer(Preference ~  sens2*sens1*Homesize*Age
##                                       + (1 | product) + (1 + sens1 + sens2 | Consumer),
##                                        data=carrots)
##   ## the results for the rand function differ from the step
##   ## because of the update function - changing the contrasts to contr.SAS
##   rnd <- rand(modelCarrots)
##   stopifnot(all.equal(rnd$rand.table[,"p.value"], c(0.0000289113, 0.4852719557,
##                                                     0.0186101913)))
##   stp <- step(modelCarrots)
##   stp
##   modelCarrots_red1 <- lmer(Preference ~ sens2*sens1*Homesize*Age
##                                        + (1 | product) + (1   + sens2 | Consumer),
##                                        data=carrots)
##   modelCarrots_red2 <- lmer(Preference ~
##                               sens2*sens1*Homesize*Age
##                             + (1 | product) + (1 | Consumer),
##                             data=carrots)
##   modelCarrots_redp <- lmer(Preference ~
##                               sens2*sens1*Homesize*Age
##                              + (1   + sens2| Consumer),
##                             data=carrots)
##   res.lrt.s1 <- anova(modelCarrots, modelCarrots_red1, refit = FALSE)
##   res.lrt.s2 <- anova(modelCarrots_red1, modelCarrots_red2, refit = FALSE)
##   res.lrt.sp <- anova(modelCarrots_red1, modelCarrots_redp, refit = FALSE)
##   stopifnot(all.equal(res.lrt.s1[2,"Pr(>Chisq)"], stp$rand.table[1,"p.value"]),
##             all.equal(res.lrt.s2[2,"Pr(>Chisq)"], stp$rand.table[3,"p.value"]),
##             all.equal(res.lrt.sp[2,"Pr(>Chisq)"], stp$rand.table[2,"p.value"]))
runehaubo/lmerTest documentation built on May 14, 2019, 6:15 p.m.