
#' Package rustinr
#' \code{rustinr} helps user source Rust script in R and generate the basic struture of a Rust-R package.
#' \code{rust()} creates Rust functions in R console interatively.
#' \code{rustr_init()} creates an R package with Rust support.
#' \code{rustrize()} generates R bindings for Rust functions in a R package. It is similar to \code{compileAttributes()} in Rcpp.
#' \code{headr()} gives you the header of the \code{lib.rs} for the Rust code.
#' \code{rustr_check} checks the status of rustinr, rustc, and cargo installation.
#' @name rustinr-package
rustr/rustinr documentation built on June 2, 2020, 2:05 a.m.