Man pages for rustyoldrake/WatsonR
R Interface to IBM Watson Developer Cloud Services

watson.alchemy.combinedWatsonR - Alchemy Language COMBINED Calles
watson.alchemy.testWatsonR - Alchemy Language Test
watson.demoWatsonR - Demonstration of Alchemy, Personality Insights,...
watson.keys.displayWatsonR - Display API Key Info
watson.keys.enterWatsonR - Enter API Keys Info Manually
watson.keys.loadWatsonR - Load API Keys from KEYS.R file
watson.nlc.checkclassifierstatusWatsonR - Natural Language Classifier (NLC) - STATUS Check
watson.nlc.createnewclassifierWatsonR - Natural Language Classifier (NLC) - CREATE CREATE...
watson.nlc.deleteclassifierWatsonR - Natural Language Classifier (NLC) - DELETE...
watson.nlc.listallclassifiersWatsonR - Natural Language Classifier (NLC) - LIST LIST ALL...
watson.nlc.processtextWatsonR - Natural Language Classifier (NLC) - PROCESS TEXT...
watson.pi.analyzeWatsonR - Personality Insights (PI) - Analyze
watson.pi.demoWatsonR - Personality Insights (PI) - DEMO
watson.stt.processWatsonR - Speech to Text (STT) PROCESS - receives WAV File
watson.stt.testWatsonR - Speech to Text (STT) TEST - WAV to Transcript
watson.tone.analyzeWatsonR - Tone Analyzer
watson.tone.demoWatsonR - Tone Analyzer - Demo
watson.tts.demovoicesWatsonR - Text to Speech (TTS) - Round The World...
watson.tts.listvoicesWatsonR - Text to Speech (TTS) - List Voices Available From...
watson.tts.processWatsonR - Text to Speech (TTS) - Speechify the Transcript;...
rustyoldrake/WatsonR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 10:41 a.m.