Man pages for rvalavi/blockCV
Spatial and Environmental Blocking for K-Fold and LOO Cross-Validation

blockCVblockCV: Spatial and Environmental Blocking for K-Fold and...
bufferingUse distance (buffer) around records to separate train and...
cv_block_sizeExplore spatial block size
cv_bufferUse buffer around records to separate train and test folds...
cv_clusterUse environmental or spatial clustering to separate train and...
cv_nndmUse the Nearest Neighbour Distance Matching (NNDM) to...
cv_plotVisualising folds created by blockCV in ggplot
cv_similarityCompute similarity measures to evaluate possible...
cv_spatialUse spatial blocks to separate train and test folds
cv_spatial_autocorMeasure spatial autocorrelation in spatial response data or...
envBlockUse environmental clustering to separate train and test folds
foldExplorerExplore the generated folds
rangeExplorerExplore spatial block size
spatialAutoRangeMeasure spatial autocorrelation in the predictor raster files
spatialBlockUse spatial blocks to separate train and test folds
rvalavi/blockCV documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 9:24 a.m.