getCloudData: getCloudData Download the pregenerated curated data sets from...

View source: R/getCloudData.R

getCloudDataR Documentation

getCloudData Download the pregenerated curated data sets from ReUseData cloud bucket


getCloudData Download the pregenerated curated data sets from ReUseData cloud bucket


getCloudData(datahub, outdir = character())



The dataHub object returned from dataSearch() with 1 data record available on ReUseData cloud bucket.


The output directory for the data (and concomitant annotation files) to be downloaded. It is recommended to use a new folder under a shared folder for a new to-be-downloaded data.


Data and concomitant annotation files will be downloaded to the user-specified folder that is locally searchable with dataSearch().


outdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "gcpData")
dh <- dataSearch(c("ensembl", "GRCh38"))
dh <- dh[grep("http", dataPaths(dh))]

## download data from google bucket
getCloudData(dh[1], outdir = outdir)

## Update local data caching
dataUpdate(outdir)  ## no "cloud=TRUE" here, only showing local data cache

## Now the data is available to use locally 
dataSearch(c("ensembl", "GRCh38"))

rworkflow/ReUseData documentation built on Dec. 7, 2023, 11 p.m.