Man pages for ryamada22/mwaytable
What the package does (short line)

alt.intersectCalculate K statistics of tests for output of...
calc.chisqCalculate chi-square value of an array or matrix
calc.margCalculate marginal counts of array
calc.prCalculate probability indicated by segments in random unit...
CategoryVectorCoordinate of simplex vertices
make.alternative.tableGenerate a table indicating alternative hypothesis data matrix from table
make.diff.tableMake a table, the given table minus its expected table
make.exp.tableMake an expected table
make.simplexMake a rotation matrix using simple vertices coordinates (2)
make.simplex.0Make a rotation matrix using simple vertices coordinates (1)
make.simplex.multiKronecker product of simplex-based rotation matrices
make.table.from.dataGenerate an array or matrix from data matrix
make.test.vecsGenerate test vectors from tables
make.vector0Make a vector indexing rows that should be zero
make.X.vector0Multiway table-related rotation matrix and its features
map2dfMake a matrix that transfer a vectorized table array to a...
map2dfdirMake a matrix that transfer test vectors to the direction in...
map2fullMake a matrix that transfer back a vector in the...
map.matrixMake three matrices that are the output of map2df(),...
model.table.seriesGenerate althernative hypothesis tables in a direction with...
mway.testMax test
pchisq.bidCumulative distribtution of bidirectional chisquare...
perm.dataRandomize a data matrix
pmwayRandomize a data matrix
pmway.intersectPower calculator with intersect information rather than...
pmway.tableEstimate p-values/cumulative probability of maximum...
pmway.table.nullEstimate p-values/cumulative probability of maximum...
power.mwayPower calculator with statistic value being fixed
power.mway.tablePower calculator
qmway.tableEstimate quantiles of maximum statistics on multi-way table...
qmway.table.preGrossly estimate quantile value. Utility function for...
reshape.tableUtility function to handle tables with cells whose expected...
rmwayGenerate random K statistic values
rmway.alt.onlyGenerate random K statistic values with rmway function's...
rmway.tableGenerate random tables under unll or alternative hypothesis
runitstatGenerate random K statistic values for test vectors under...
segment.overlapOverlapped segment(s) of multiple one-dimensional segments
segment.unionUnion of segment(s) of multiple one-dimensional segments
st.mvnGenerate random unit vectors
table.sphereSpherization of multiway table array
table.sphere.2Spherization of multiway table array
window.abGenerate terms to calculate K statistic values of tests for...
window.selectCalculate a segment to be integrated for individual K-cutoff...
ryamada22/mwaytable documentation built on May 28, 2019, 10:44 a.m.