write_sample_clim: Sample RHESSys Climate Data

View source: R/write_sample_clim.R

write_sample_climR Documentation

Sample RHESSys Climate Data


This function is used to generate new (artifical) RHESSys climate inputs from existing climate data the function returns a new climate data frame in R and writes .tmax, .tmin, .rain files for RHESSys met input


write_sample_clim(prefix, clim, samplewyrs, reps = 1, startwyr = 0)



String giving the prefix to be used for output file names (e.g "../out/seqname")


Original climate data to be sampled from, this must have the following columns; year, month, day, date, wy, rain, tmax, and tmin. Rain must be in mm, tmax and tmin in C. There must be a value for every day in each water year and it must be in sequential order. Columns can be in any order, a file created by read_RHESSys_met will work.


is the vector of water years to be sampled from the original climate, in the order you want them to occur. A water year can be used more than once. samplewyrs must be included in the call to the function.


Creates a sequence where your samplewyrs will be repeated. If samplewyrs=c(2004,2000) and rep=4, the sequence you will get is made from 2004,2000,2004,2000,2004,2000,2004,2000. Reps is optional and default to 1.


is the water year to be used for the first day of the newly generated sequence thus, if startwyr=1998, the new sequence will start on 10/1/1998. startwyr is optional. If startwyr is not listed the program will use the first water year of the original climate sequence (clim)

ryanrbart/RHESSysIOinR documentation built on July 22, 2024, 3:46 a.m.