GE_test_moment_calcs_old: GE_test_moment_calcs_old.R

View source: R/GE_test_moment_calcs_old.R

GE_test_moment_calcs_oldR Documentation



Test function mostly for internal use to ensure the higher order moments (covariances) calculated in GE_bias_normal_squaredmis_old() are correct. Will give warning messages if some calculations appear to be incorrect. If receive warning messages, run again, and if still receive the same warning messages, something may be wrong.


GE_test_moment_calcs_old(beta_list, rho_list, prob_G, cov_Z = NULL,
  cov_W = NULL, num_sub = 2e+06, test_threshold = 0.003)



A list of the 6 pairwise covariances between the covariates. These should be in the order (1) cov_GE (2) cov_GZ (3) cov_EZ (4) cov_GW (5) cov_EW (6) cov_ZW. If Z and/or W include multiple covariates, then terms like cov_GZ should be a vector. If Z and/or M/W do not exist in your model, then treat them as constants 0. For example, if Z doesn't exist and W includes 2 covariates, then set cov(EZ) = 0 and cov(ZW) = (0,0).


Probability that each allele is equal to 1. Since each SNP has two alleles, the expectation of G is 2*prob_G.


Only used if Z is a vector, gives the covariance matrix of Z (remember by assumption Z has mean 0 and variance 1). The (i,j) element of the matrix should be the (i-1)(i-2)/2+j element of the vector. If Z or M are vectors, then cov_ZW should be a vector in the order (cov(Z_1,W_1),cov(Z_1,W_2),...,cov(Z_1,W_q),cov(Z_2,W_1),........,cov(Z_p,W_q) where Z is a vector of length p and W is a vector of length q.


Only used if W is a vector, gives the covariance matrix of W (remember by assumption W has mean 0 and variance 1). The (i,j) element of the matrix should be the (i-1)(i-2)/2+j element of the vector.


How much margin for error on tests?


Number of subjects to do the simulation with.




GE_test_moment_calcs_old(beta_list=as.list(runif(n=6, min=0, max=1)), 
		rho_list=as.list(rep(0.3,6)), prob_G=0.3)

ryanrsun/GEint documentation built on May 20, 2022, 3:07 a.m.