
Super nascent project to create MagicEye-ish autostereogram based off this paper.



This package will likely give you a headache.

Turn an image into a MagicEye

Convert small images in greyscale into 3D autostereograms. Darker colors are closer to the viewer, while white and lighter shades are further away.

demo_file <- system.file("extdata", "demo_r.png",
                         package = "rstereogram", mustWork = TRUE)
demo_image <- png::readPNG(demo_file)

demo_image %>%
  image_to_magiceye() %>%

Supply your own list of hex color codes with the colors input. You can use as many colors as you’d like, but I’ve found the images are easier to see with fewer, high contrast colors.

Alternatively, use ggmagiceye() instead of plot() to return a ggplot object instead of a raster matrix.

demo_file <- system.file("extdata", "demo_pig.png",
                         package = "rstereogram", mustWork = TRUE)
demo_image <- png::readPNG(demo_file)

demo_image %>%
  image_to_magiceye(colors = c("#ffffff", "#111111", "#999922")) %>%
  ggmagiceye() +
  ggplot2::annotate("text", label = "Add ggplot2 features\nto your MagicEyes!", color = "#0000aa", 
           x = 300, y = 400, size = 14, fontface=2) 

Tips on how to see 3D images

Library of demo images

#> [1] "demo_circle.png"         "demo_hemi.png"          
#> [3] "demo_pig.png"            "demo_pig2.PNG"          
#> [5] "demo_r.png"              "demo_shapes.png"        
#> [7] "demo_stackedcircles.png" "demo_star.png"          
#> [9] "demo_triangles.png"

3D ggplots

Using the ggplot_to_magiceye() function, convert your chart object into a MagicEye image.

df <- data.frame(
  group = c("Dog", "Cat", "Mouse"),
  value = c(25, 30, 50)


ggplot(df, aes(x="", y=value, fill=group))+
  geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity") +
  coord_polar(theta="y") -> pp


pp %>% 
  ggplot_to_magiceye(colors = c("#FF69B4", "#449999", "#010101")) %>% 

3D Dinosaurs

Create a 3D dinosaur from a curated list of dinosaur (and some other animal) UIDs from with the rphylopic package.

dino_to_magiceye() %>% plot()

Specify an animal using it’s ID number. Easiest way to do this is to grab the UID from the URL on, or use the API with rphylopic.

my_phylo = "418abb75-3e4b-4533-a91c-2fbd03654501"

rphylopic::image_data(my_phylo, size = 128)[[1]] %>% 
  grDevices::as.raster() %>% plot

dino_to_magiceye(dino = my_phylo,
                 colors = c("#1f3d51", "#ddf5c2", "#FF3747")) %>% plot()

The 3D algorithm is still a big buggy and sometimes you will end up with dinosaur with a few extra legs.

ryantimpe/MagicEye documentation built on April 12, 2021, 5:59 p.m.