  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "tools/readme/README-",
  out.width = "100%"


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A wrapper for querying KISTERS WISKI databases via the KiWIS API. Users can toggle between various databases by specifying the hub argument. Currently, the default hubs are:

All data is returned as tidy tibbles.


You can install kiwisR from CRAN:


To install the development version of kiwisR you first need to install devtools.

if(!requireNamespace("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

Then load the package with



Get Station Information

By default, ki_station_list() returns a tibble containing information for all available stations for the selected hub.

# With swmc as the hub
ki_station_list(hub = 'swmc')

Get Time Series Information

You can use the station_id column returned using ki_station_list() to figure out which time series are available for a given station.

One Station

# Single station_id
available_ts <- ki_timeseries_list(
  hub = 'swmc', 
  station_id = "144659"


Multiple Stations

If you provide a vector to station_id, the returned tibble will have all the available time series from all stations. They can be differentiated using the station_name column.

# Vector of station_ids
my_station_ids <- c("144659", "144342")

available_ts <- ki_timeseries_list(
  hub = 'swmc', 
  station_id = my_station_ids


Get Time Series Values

You can now use the ts_id column in the tibble produced by ki_timeseries_list() to query values for chosen time series.

By default this will return values for the past 24 hours. You can specify the dates you're interested in by setting start_date and end_date. These should be set as date strings with the format 'YYYY-mm-dd'.

You can pass either a single or multiple ts_id(s).

One Time Series

# Past 24 hours
my_values <- ki_timeseries_values(
  hub = 'swmc', 
  ts_id = '966435042'


Multiple Time Series

# Specified date, multiple time series
my_ts_ids <- c("1125831042","908195042")
my_values <- ki_timeseries_values(
  hub = 'swmc',
  ts_id = my_ts_ids,
  start_date = "2015-08-28",
  end_date = "2018-09-13"


Using Other Hubs

You can use this package for a KiWIS hub not included in this list by feeding the location of the API service to the hub argument.

For instance: If your URL looks like

specify the hub argument with

If you'd like to have a hub added to the defaults, please Submit an Issue


See here if you'd like to contribute.

rywhale/kiwisR documentation built on July 20, 2023, 12:37 a.m.